GBWC: Sunrise of the New Champion (RP Topic)

“That bad huh?” he asked.

“Yeah.” Lacey chuckled.

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“Alright.” he said taking his cloth and wipes the blood clean off. “Better?” he asked showing his face.

Lacey nodded.
“Yep. That looks good.”

“Okay, thanks.” Logan said, putting the cloth piece in his pocket.

Lacey nodded. “No problem.” She continued walking.

Logan continues following her. “And what got you into Gunpla?”

“Model building.” Lacey said. “One of my friends suggested Gunpla, and I tried it out… and here I am.”

“So how far is this place?” he asked. “I’m hungry.”

Lacey turned towards a small restaurant.
“This is it.”

“Alright good.” Logan said entering the small restaurant.

Lacey led them to a table. A waiter walked up. “Hello. What can I get you today?”

Logan sat down. “Um…I am new to this kind of thing.” he said.

“Thats okay. Would you like anything to drink while you choose?”

“Yeah, some apple juice would be nice.” he said.

The waiter nodded.
Lacey said, “Just some water.”

Logan leaned. “Okay I have no idea what kind of food should I chose so some help would be appreciated it.”

“Well, there is spicy food, there’s vegetarian food… stir fry, salads, egg rolls, spring rolls…”

Meanwhile eyeing up its final target, a red Zaku, Fire and Forget slows its approach. Firing a volley at the eye to disorient it, Fire and Forget carves the Zaku cleanly in half, after it detonated, and the HUD announces with those final 3 points Fire and Forget has passed the round.

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“I don’t like spicy food, but some spring rolls sounds nice.” Logan said.