Ghosty V5(?)

I really like the look of the MOC. It combines technic and ccbs in a very sleek looking way. I absolutely love the custom torso. The only thing I dislike are the technic pins sticking out on the back of the lower legs, which may be able to be fixed with system tiles. The color scheme is also very nice. It has a dark color that gets vibrant with azure and and really nice red cape. Overall, great job.

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Why do people dislike the feet?
I mean, it seems like a running gag, but I actually like them.

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I like it


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This is Prepares for hate comments bad. Nothing really seems to work here on this new version of Ghosty. The sloppy torso, exposed and even more sloppy legs, awkward shoulder connection, downgraded arms, and puny cape really make this a bad MOC. 4/10, needs a lot of work to be good. Try a bit more on designs and such,nor if so this could be a pretty good MOC. If anything, it’s kinda unique, I guess.

Are we looking at the same moc?


It’s been almost a year.


…I think you forgot the /mt.


I love the torso build

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Ninja ghosty confirmed. Jokes aside this is pretty good


Kinda neat, But it is not perfect, the torso looks odd, and the azure hand piece on his stomach needs to be filled out, the shoulders are connected rather oddly and it gives him an odd gorilla look. I think the removal of the gauntlets is downgrade and takes away something that gave the older version a lot of charm. The head looks rather lifeless, then the legs…eeeeeehhh… Not a fan, they are open, gappy, and generally don’t even work with the rest of the MOC. the feet are okay, not really good but not bad. and the cape…I don’t even know, I get that this is some joke about some anime, but it looks silly, it takes what was a interesting and cool MOC and makes it look…silly, it is like if Iron Man started wearing a tutu, it just does not work. It would work as a little gag, but not a serious part of the MOC.

All in all, Good but can get better.


Late to the party, but he’s looking good. Not a fan of the miscolored cape, but to each their own.

Still not a fan of the feet…but eh, they’re not bad.

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Where did you get that cape? It really compliments the deign.

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I feel like the cape would look better in a different color. Other than that, It’s pretty great.

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[quote=“Danos999, post:53, topic:21227”]
Where did you get that cape?
[/quote]I made it.

Thanks everyone!


What material did you use? I’m interested in making my own.

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I really, really like this MOC. I think the mask choice is awesome, I love the color scheme, and the cape is freaking amazing. I do find the build a little questionable (because I am weird), but it still works in the end.

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fabric? I have no idea which kind thought.

I just sewed the sides and slipped in some iron wires.

[quote=“ChaoticTempleKnight, post:57, topic:21227”]
I really, really like this MOC. I think the mask choice is awesome, I love the color scheme, and the cape is freaking amazing.


wow Ghosty you SPOOK me how good your mocs are

also will you do a combiner

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I like his cape.