Glatorian Revamps- Malum, Strakk, and Gresh.

These are all fantastic. But I think I like Strakk the best. The articulated abdomen allows for some really cool poses. Nice job with all of them though.

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Man, they looked great on the great furnace server, but this is just amazing!

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When you do it better than the original designers…


Can I please get instructions for gresh’s torso? the build is amazing

I’m afraid I just don’t have time to. I’m juggling 10 other things lately.

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Oh ok

Very nice, I love what you did to Strakk, (Who’s always been my favorite), and Malum looks like Malum, but more fleshed out.

Also, Gresh-from-the-fight :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh wow. I just realized these are all very out of date. I’ve since revamped them more. Here, look.



really out of date

In general, better, but I think Strakks is a downgrade.

I was able to put Strakk’s shoulder armor on the side. It was necessary to make him match the new look of the others, squeeze in some extra CCBS plates.

As for these three… why are they sideways? How do I get them straight?


Put them into paint 3D, save them unser a new name, and bingo.

Though what I can see of the Skrall, A++


Fixed! You should be able to get a better view of them now.

Here are some group shots.


Wow, these actually seem like something I would build, and resemble my building style

Very nice, all of them are excellent. Except for Strakk. The arms are kinda wonky with the jut out.

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Trust me, they look and feel soooooooo much better in hand with the armor on the sides. Leaving them on the front just makes him harder to pose and leaves the arms very skimpy and unfinished. No muscle on 'em, which makes him look out of place next to these other characters. It’s just a cool-looking but poorly designed piece that needs some working around, and I found a way to do it.


Interesting enough, I made my own Vorox revamp not too long ago, though I kept more to the original design… and now I feel like mine was blown out of the water! Haha!


Here are some better looks at Vorox (and the others).

Yes, I used a lightsaber blade to hold the Inika armor and the CCBS shell onto Kiina. Right through the bone.


Seeing as most Galtorian weapons are fashioned from bone or claw, it makes sense to me that the Vorox would just pick up whatever dead things they find in the wild and slap them together more brazenly, barely even giving them a polish. This Vorox’s weapons are a reference to Alien vs Predator, becoming a shield/launcher and spear.


I really like the bulkiness.