Greatest Bionicle Regret

My greatest regret?


Never getting any of the 01 Rahi besides Nui Rama, and never getting the Skopio or Titan Mata Nui.

Or Karzahni.




Karzahni was a bad one to miss. I wish I had gotten him too. You know I guess I just wish I had gotten all of 2007


that nektann didnt come out 4 years earlier?

In 2009 i had 80 euros and i bought Lego CIty Corner, instead of the new Glatorian Legends sets. (tehy had Thornatus V9)
Also ,in my city, there was only 1 Mata Nui and i didnt get him.
Just 1 Mata nui in a city of 300 000 people…

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My biggest regret is not getting into Bionicle while it was still around…I got into Lego back in 2008. Bionicle was still around then, I could have bought some of them, but I didn’t…Same thing with 2009 and 2010. I always knew about it though. Bionicle sets were always advertised in my Lego Magazine, I always thought they were really cool, I just didn’t have the money. I decided to just stick with the System sets, which I could barely afford as it was. In 2008 my Lego obsession was City, and in 2009-Now It was/is Star Wars. Almost all of my Lego collection consists Star Wars sets.

After all these years, I just recently got into Bionicle. I’d say about a month or so ago, when the news that it may be coming back started to explode over the internet. I was watching a video about the first leaked image from Groove Bricks (They’re a Lego news source. Just incase anyone didn’t know). So I finish watching the video, and I’m about to go back to my Subscription box, but then I see this video in the suggestions, so I click on it. It was this really cool BMV (Bionicle Music Video) with some of the Bionicle comercial/ clips. I remembered some of them, I always used to play the games and stuff, even though I never got any of the sets. was like my YouTube/Flickr nowadays. I was on there 24/7. As I was watching it, I said to myself “Man…I really wish that I had gotten into Bionicle…” I felt really sad inside…Like as if something was missing in my life…

I quickly got into Bionicle from there. And I mean quickly! I watched the first two movies (I still have the other two to watch, I’ve just been busy lately), they were great! Then I started watching all sorts of Bionicle related YouTube videos. Reviews, BMVs, Stopmotions, Discussion videos/podcasts (of the leaked images), which is where I found out about TTV. Your guys’ Podcast, of the first leaked image, was the very first Bionicle Podcast that I watched. I enjoyed it so much! I then checked out your Channel and Subscribed. I also watched all of your Episodes of your “Bionicle Autopsy” and “On Ebay Today” series. (I really love the videos, guys. Keep up the great work!) I even did some research on it and started to read the Comics (which are amazing). I now know a lot about Bionicle. Not everything, though. I’m still not there yet. :stuck_out_tongue:

I do actually own two Bionicle sets. One I got at a Garage sale (in 2006 or 2007), the other I got free from a friend (in 2011 or 2012). The one I got at the garage sale was the “Boxor” set. The one I got from my friend was the Agori Metus. And I only own one Hero Factory set. Jimi Stringer (bleh). I also have four of the McCdonalds promotional Bionicle toys/figures. Toa Matoro, Toa Hahli (which came out one year), Gorast, and Bitil (which both came out another year).

…Maybe one day when I’m older, and have a job (Like, a REALLY good job), I’ll start collecting all of the old sets. But until then, I have the new ones to collect once they come out. I can’t wait! bionicle2015 #OmegaTahu

Oh, good lord…I didn’t realize I typed that much…I practically wrote a whole story.

lol. Sorry about that, everyone. I may have gotten a little bit carried away… :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s okay. It is easy to get carried away while reminiscing about the past…



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the 08 matoran were ok, just not too good. Sure I turned Radiak into a dog rahi with some of Kalmah’s parts, but none of them were too good. Another regret is not getting the toa Phantoka. They looked cooler than the Mistika

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oh man I meant 08 makuta, silly me for making the mistake

Oh, nevermind then

I did manage to buy all them, but alas I missed out on most of the Makuta save two (Icarax and Antroz). Its a shame because I really wanted Bitil and Vamprah.


For me it’s not buying Vakama and the Rahkshi fromt he stars. ~Detox


Oh man, a chance for me to tell my epic sad story…
Long ago, in 2008, there were some nights where I didn’t go to sleep until quite late at night. My parents started to wonder if perhaps the figures that lined my shelves had something to do with it. They asked that I either sell all my Bionicle sets, or keep the sets but don’t follow the story. In what might honestly be the most epic fail of judgement and biggest regret of my entire life so far, I decided to sell them. I made over $300 on eBay, which was nice. 2 years later, I got back into Bionicle. I was forced to rebuild my collection and still don’t have nearly as many as I use to.
So yeah, there’s my sob story. Been waiting to share that one for years. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Dude, that sucks! Why would your parents have you decide between selling your Bionicle or not getting to follow the story? THAT’S LIKE A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION! You didn’t deserve to have that happen to you…

May Mata Nui forgive your parents, for doing such an awful thing…


It’s so sad dude… hope you can do it!
Just follow the Hype train

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I will indeed be riding the Hype Train all the way. My wallet probably won’t be able to keep up, though…


Same here! Hahaha

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lol It appears that other people suffer from this too :slight_smile:

Tearing apart my vezon and frenrack when I was little…


If this is a ‘what do I regret not buying’ I’d have to go with sets like Skopio, Thornatus, and the '01 Rahi. But honestly, I couldn’t help not getting them. I wasn’t into the series in '01, and the Thornatus and Skopio were too big on cash for me to pay for.

What I really regret, was not getting into the series at it’s very beginning. I spent many months going back and collecting just my Mata and Nuva, and I don’t think there’s much hope of getting the Rahi now.