Halo: Into the Howling Dark V

Spetz went to where Sky was. Ana would probably with Sky…she’s the clingy type Spetz thought as he walked in to see Sky and Ana no surprise Spetz thought.


As the Huragok finished performing surgery on Kyanna the machine opened, it let out a soft whistle as it left the room. Half an hour later it re entered the room with three other Huragok’s, its “children” it had just created. The four of them picked Kyanna up and moved her to an empty barracks, away from the others. Figuring she needed to rest alone. They then went about their duties to repair the ship, while also gathering unused materials to create more Huragoks.

Beth wandered into the Barracks with the others, claiming a bed in the far side. well seeing as how i’m gonna be trapped on this ship for a few months with them… i guess it just gives me more time to figure out who to make friends with. Beth thought


Spetz saw Ana asleep
“Should I wake her up Alice?”
“No she’s been through a lot” Alice said as she stared at Ana
“Guess I’ll just wait” Spetz said as he found a wall and rested


Winter takes a kick to the stomach, and loses what little he had for lunch on the mat covering the training room floor. “Again” he breathes barely standing straight up.

The Spartan 4 he had asked to train with him gives him a look of concern, “Really Sergeant, this is not a fair match up, I should at least take my armour off”

“Didn’t you hear me? Again!” He drops into a guard.


Blair walks in. “Well, someone’s preparing.”


Winter nods, and ducks under a blow aimed at his head, seeing the brief window he brings a roundhouse down on the Spartan’s exposed back. His foot aches ever through his boots.

The Spartan staggers a little from the blow. Squares back up and starts throwing some punches. Which Winter frantically tries to block, stopping most of them on his arms.


Blair watches with amusement, giggling. “Twenty credits that Winter here can’t last at least 2 minutes.” She said, waiting for the fight to finish.


Winter takes a punch straight to the face. Reeling back, he stops slightly to shake his vision clear. Winter shakes his disorientation off, and advances on the Spartan. Feinting high, he dives to the ground. Coming up behind the Spartan, he axe kicks the Spartan in the face as they turn towards him.

The Spartan, completely unprepared for the blow, is knocked off their feet.


“Come on Spartan, don’t get your ■■■ beat by a hell jumper.” She said watching.


As the Spartan tries to get up, Winter comes in hard with a Superman punch, knocking them back flat on the mat. However he misjudges his landing and ends up within the Spartan’s reach. The Spartan grabs Winter and forces him down in a hold against the mat.


“Okay, that’s enough. Spartan your dismissed. Winter, Director Osmin wants a word with us.”


Winter spits up blood, “10 for showers first?” He asks, “Or does she mind that I’m covered in whatever the hell’s been on that mat”


“She wants us now.” She added. “And she’s a very impatient woman.”


Winter shrugs, and removes the helmet he was wearing for the training. He follows Blair


Blair Leads him to Osmin who is sitting at her desk making eye contact with the two as they walked in.

“Director Osmin, this is our mole. Nathan Winter.” She said standing at attention.

“I see that Miss Vallery. Nathan, Blair has informed me of everything you will be doing, and of the deal that was made. So I want you understand, I know that ONI and the UNSC can be seen as the bad guy, but what we do is for the best of mankind. So I want you to realize, that these terrorists are wanting to do nothing more than give harm to humanity. So, I want you to keep an eye out for a few actual traitors. Spartans Kiana and Catina. These two are actual traitors to the UNSC, when you find them. Inform Blair immedialty.”


“Yes Ma’am, Understood Ma’am” Winter shouts in his parade voice.


Osmin gives off a nod. “Good you actually remeber some of your military duties. Now go get packed and ready to leave in 2 hours, your flight is waiting to take you to your contact so you can get in the LR.” She said dismissing the two.


the next day for the ship bois

“Tom, I would like a word.” Samantha said.

Within minutes he arrived at her office.

"Take a seat, she ordered, polishing the glass frame of her picture.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“You met my daughter before she went missing.” Samantha said.


Spetz got tired of waiting for Ana to wake up, he impatiently got up and left. “Maybe Grace will be up for the situation, she did trust me enough to go in the ocean with”
“Yeah she does seem like the caring type” Alice replied


Ambrose arrived at the med bay, flanked by two of his top Vulcans, one of whom was the opponent Eren faced. They entered, and walked towards where Eren lay. Having regained consciousness, flinched slightly at the sight of the vistors.

“We shall test your device” Ambrose said “You made valiant effort.”