
Is there anybody playin’ Hearthstone except me? :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know what Hearthstone is. Could you explain it to me?

@Aeros It’s card game in the warcraft universe.
You can have 30 cards in your deck, these cards have different effects, there are deathrattle, windfury, overload, battlecry etc. effects. You can play as any of the classes from WoW, except monk and DK.

But it’s more complicated than that. But there’s a tutorial that teaches yo’ everything, and it will be supa’ simple

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Sounds awesome. Is it free?

Add me as a friend, my name is Sidorak
Yes its free

Sick, I’m totally getting it!

I’ll add you as a friend!

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k, i’ll log in
EDIT: You need to download, well, then i’ll accept the friend inv. tomorrow 8D
@Aeros Forgot that i’m on the EU server, not US :confused:

Huh. I’ll have to look into this.

Hmm… Card game… WoW based… I’ll try it out.

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If I’m on the US servers I won’t be able to connect to you?

@Aeros Sadly no :frowning:

Dangit! Well thanks for introducing me to this game.

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This topic exists :neutral_face:
I like Hearthstone sadly my internet has been acting up and the game keeps disconnecting mid game :frowning:

I play it. so you are not the only one :smiley:

So I finally did.

It’s cool.


Really gewd game

I started playing on Christmas Eve and got to Rank 20 before New Year. My favorite classes are Priest and Rogue. If there’s anyone else here on the US server, my BattleTag is “SneakyTurtle”. Feel free to send me a friend invite.

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Eh, i tried it a bit, it was good but it was one of those games you just don’t play again, for me.

Hy there. I am active in this game, if you want to, you can add me (Eu server) EdMiller#2289 the battle tag. :smile: Good lock, have fun!

This won’t be an edit, because this is more important (for me) to just edit my prev. post.