Helryx (Canon Contest #1: The First)

I’m 99% sure it’s a #6 for the top and #8 for the bottom.

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@CalamitousT Interesting, I decided to use an 8 and a 10 and that looks approximately correct to me. Of course, I could be wrong, but it looks just like the pictures proportion-wise, so I don’t know.

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I’m less confident about the lower half, but I’m pretty sure the ‘exposed’ part of the upper handle is 4L, plus 1 on on either end… maybe it’s an old 7L before they went grey, just to mess with us!

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Great, now I need her in my collection


@ToaFautann @CalamitousT @vaderman212 It is very easy to tell the exact length by using pieces which length is known. Look at this picture:

So length of top one is 6 and the bottom one is 10. If you will use the other picture where mace is fully visible frontaly the result is almost the same - the top one has length of 6 and bottom one around 9.5, but since axle 9 doesn’t exist in Black, then it is just caused by perspective.


Aha! Brilliant, thanks!

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Thanks so much for measuring that! I’ve updated my parts list and the downloadable list with the new lengths.

@ToaFautann I made my own parts list and compared it with yours. I see some mistakes in your list. Here is mine which I believe is 100% correct:


Bricklink XML file:


Hats off to you! This is honestly what I was hoping for since I made the original list, I really wanted someone who had built the model to confirm or deny what I had said, and you certainly improved greatly on my list. Cheers!

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Regardless of how the MOC ended up winning, I think it is certainly a worthy model. She looks frail but battle-ready. You struck the balance between Mata-like and unfamiliar armor quite well, in my opinion. The color scheme is basic, but very solid, and the color-blocking is fantastic.

Though I haven’t built the MOC myself, judging by my own experience with the pneumatic T parts, and considering other people’s experiences, I suspect the arms are a bit too fragile. But aside from that, this MOC feels like it could have been an actual set. I guess if you want to get a better toy out of this MOC, you just have to figure out a way to replicate the upper arm look with different parts.

The mace and shield are simple, but they get the job done. And I’m glad that the mace in particular actually looks like a mace. A lot of MOCs in the contest have “maces” that are really just pointy staffs.

I know other people have called this a “blue Onua”, and while I wouldn’t go that far (I think part of the issue is just the placeholder Pakari), I do think the hunchback look should be toned down a little. That’s my only complaint with this MOC. And as it turns out, Mister N’s winning artwork already fixes that for me.

I wasn’t a part of these boards during the contest, so I never got to vote. But if I had been a member, I would have wanted Yellowryx to win over this MOC. But that said, this MOC is definitely in my top 10. It gets a lot of things right that so many others miss the mark on. As I said before, this model is worthy of the title “Helryx”, and I’m certainly satisfied with it being the winner.

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Myabe in 2001, yeah. But by the time Helryx was introduced in the story, most Toa-sized sets had working knees.

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Also the arms wouldn’t fall apart if you weren’t too careful

Well, the MOC has a 2001-esque look to it, so I was thinking of it as something that could have been released that year.

Yeah, I already pointed that out. That’s probably the biggest practical issue with the build. Luckily, I’ve already seen a couple ways to fix it without altering the look too much.

I don’t think Helryx necessarily needed to look like something that could’ve been released in 2008. We’re talking about the very first Toa after all, built not that long before the Toa Mata and Orde.

If Tahu expected the ruler of this land to be some massive, heavily-armored warrior who could snap a Toa in two with no effort, he was to be disappointed. The figure that awaited them was a Toa, although one whose armor looked quite different from theirs. Even more surprising, that armor was blue — like Gali, she was a Toa of Water. She looked up from what she was tinkering with, a small vehicle with multiple legs.

I don’t remember seeing this description from SoS brought up during the contest but regardless, the canon design does fit the descriptions of Helryx to a reasonable degree. The Toa Mata were the only Toa that Tahu saw beforehand. The moc looks like something that could’ve been released as a set for the most part, and it arguably fits in with the fan theory that Krakua’s build was based on Helryx.

I wouldn’t say this was my top pick, although I certainly like it more than 90% of the entries, but it works just fine imo


that mask looks absolutely divine!!! :o
where’d you find that 3D model? (or did you make it?)
i’ve been looking around for a while to see if anyone had made it, struggling to find stuff, though

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It’s a prototype Galva made, not quite a finished product yet that I’ve heard.


I just made the building instructions for Helryx. If you see something wrong, please tell me so I fix it later.
I imported the mask to Studio from Galva mask. I put a place holder in the mace, because I don’t have the spiked ball in Studio to make the origial one.


Congratulations @TheUnderscoredDouble on winning the official moc for Helryx! I dig the old skool parts usage & simple color scheme, & the build around the foot as a torso is very clever (yes I know I am waaaay late to the game on congratulations here but I still had to). Great to see you still adding to the Bionicle universe after so many years.