(Foreword: Something I came up with a while ago, somewhat describing my circumstances at the time. Why I began drawing parallels to Hewkii and Macku is beyond me. At least it gives me something BIONICLE related to post here.
I really should have written/posted this when it was relevant to me. You can probably enjoy it nonetheless.)
#Hewkii’s Lament
#A somewhat meaningful message comprised of BIONICLE analogies
#By Hawkflight
How long has it been since we first met
It feels like eons when it’s only been years
We were both young and unsure of the world
I was stepping out of my comfort zone, trying to be helpful
We both just wanted to be alone
I didn’t understand, I didn’t care
Love was non-canon
I’m not sure how and when I noticed you
Whether it was my heart or my brain
What are those anyway?
I was scared and I needed someone to comfort me
You were the only one I could find
Love was non-canon
I wanted to stay with you
I didn’t know if you cared about me or not
But I sure as Karzahni cared about you
Even when I was busy with everything I’d been given
I found the time to smack a rock away from your head
We managed to invent something unexpected
We accidentally became legends
No one noticed how why it came to pass
Love was non-canon
Our fates diverged
Our lives were in danger
I sacrificed how I felt for the cause of “destiny”
Hoping that somehow it would make me feel better
I went through Karzahni and back, literally
Through the thunder of the heavens and the oceans beneath
I found out things about myself I never would have known
I was no longer yours, “destiny” was controlling me
Love was non-canon
So much time has passed
Our stories are not finished, they might never be
I know you’re out there somewhere
Maybe you’re still my friend
I’m still supposed to be the hero
Maybe I’ll think about you again
In a place and a time where it’s accepted
A world where love is no longer non-canon