Oh, how I HATE this show. Allow me to explain here.
I was talking about it with another user on this topic, and I jokingly stated it needed it’s own topic. So now…
I now share my pain with you guys! And I’m never really whiny about anything. This is my time to shine. And now you guys have ammunition to annoy me with!
Speaking of said other user… Oh @Radiation-7901….
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I watched about 2 minutes of it…
My thoughts:
What the h**l is this?!
Wow… you really did it. Anyways, this was REALLY disturbing to watch, but I can’t help but want to watch more! And no, I don’t have some perverted mind. It was actually surprisingly… funny with some of it’s jokes. As long as they tone down their, um, “themes” I could watch like 3-4 more episodes.
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Your worst nightmare.
I would ask about it, but I suppose the details aren’t really appropriate for the boards…
This really didn’t need it’s own topic
Like seriously.
I can only see this ending badly.
Quit while you’re ahead dude.
Eh, I agree with @Payinku.
@Political_Slime, can you close this?
Closed on Author’s Request
Also, like Hutere metioned: #flagitdonttagit