Ids5621: Movie Makuta

He is who he says. I looked him up. He posted it on deviantArt as well as here.

huh coolio!

Why Lonk why…

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I have my rights!


awesome to see you here. I was blown away by this, and BTW, I love your stop motions with jevik…

Lovely. Where’d you get the mask? Shapeways?

Preety nice one (tho 3Dp mask looks gappy :S) and Welcome Lsd to our boards! (Try posting on some other topic aswell ask fill in yourvprofile (with avatar changed) :3

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holy guacamole that looks great!

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Yowza! That thing looks epic.

He had it 3-D printed by Kortess.

Woah. Impressively accurate.


here is the link for the mask


Cool! Very screen accurate!

“Trees are our friends, man! Not our enemies! MANNN!!!”

Cause you made Onepex…

Doggone, that is… that is… that is so beautiful. :’)

Cool moc man. I will comment on the youtube video soon.

Dang. 10/10, Ids