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I can definitely say that most of us didn’t expect Bionicle to end in the way that it did, and so abruptly. For those of us who didn’t enjoy the ending of Bionicle like we would have hoped to have… why not make our own?

Lego Themselves said that they are going to update on noteworthy artwork and creations until the rest of the year. This gives us as a community the perfect opportunity to give Bionicle a good send off ourselves. I believe that is exactly what the designers and creators would want.

Now, there isn’t much we can do about the Makuta set, but there are other things we can do. We can gather up all of the current information on how to build the Makuta set from the JoTO, and release professional building instructions so it is easier for ofthers to build it as well.

This is likely the best way that we can give Bionicle G2 a legacy, not just from designers, but of the fans as well. Let’s Write a book, or design and make a graphic novel to end the story in a good way. Both of these will take quite a bit of work, but we have good artists such as @Alieraah and @prpldragon and others, as well as writers that I know could do some amazing things. The more people we can get to collaborate closely, the easier this will become, and we can surely get this done before the end of the year.

So, who’s with me on doing this.I’m not usually a very outspoken person, but I will personally lead this thing if we decide to do it. If there is enough support, or request, I will propose how this will be structured for discussion.

Let’s give Bionicle G2 a unique legacy… One of the fans.

Yeah, we already did that, pal.


You´re to late