Is anyone going as a bionicle character for Halloween?

I was wondering if anyone is going as a bionicle character for Halloween? i know i’m going as Vezon and i’m having trouble thinking of how to make the costume?

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If I could go as a Bionicle Character, I honestly would.
As for the Vezon costume… Idk, if you don’t have a Skakdi head already, make a cardboard one and spray paint it grey?
Spray paint and duct tape solve alot of my problems.


I dint go out for Halloween anymore. I just give out the candy,

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If I ever dress up for Halloween it’s as a Star Wars character.

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thats sad…):

thanks! this is so helpful. now time to find some spray paint!

EDIT: Double-Post - Crunch

How is that sad?

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i don’t know, it’s just like you lost a peace of you’r childhood

Naw man, giving out candy to kids is fun. Plus I get the leftovers which is more than I would ever have gotten collecting from houses.


I’m probably just gonna go as Batman. Just like I do every year

2015 lewa
'nuff said

I don’t care. I never did. Halloween wasn’t a big part of my childhood.

This is what I had in mind for that cardboard helmet

i never though about it that way?


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Quad post - fixed by Scarilian

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I have gone as a Bionicle to a Halloween party but not for Halloween. It would be fun acting as one of your most loved characters but I think the Halloween years are passed me. Unless maybe I can fit in just one more year.

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I might go as Omega Tahu, or Kyoryu Yellow. My DIY skills are top-notch.

Well, I was going to go as Charles Martel in order to get extra credit for French class, but I may just go as a Toa. We shall see…

If people are in need of Bionicle Pepakura files:


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I just scare people and give out candy. Last year I made a scarecrow (generic not batman) and sat limp on the porch. I scared so many people by waking up.

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Well I don’t really dress up anymore. But if I did I would go as Vezon and threaten to sue kids for trespassing. :stuck_out_tongue: