Is It Bad That I (And A Few Others) Like G2?

I like G2. I think that this is because sets are more importamt to me than story, and some G2 sets are pretty good (Uniters, Umarak the Hunter and Skull army are totally cool in my opinion). In terms of story all is not as smooth, but the way main part of it appeared in short webisodes of 2015 and the journey to one is appealing to me. I enjoy to rewatch those 2D videos time to time. Couldn’t find the Jorney to one to watch freely though…


Unpopular opinion here, but I actually liked both the sets and the story to some degree. I thought the Web Shorts were fun, and Journey to One was overall a good show, even though the ending was pretty rushed (which I can get behind the reason why it ended so).
I think the fan’s obsession with the story is what made them so disappointed. Had they stopped expecting so much from a story that is meant to advertise sets, I think G2 could have been a lot more well-received.
I don’t care if it failed or not, I still really enjoyed G2 overall, and I especially have to give it credit for getting me into the Bionicle community.


In general, it’s not really wrong to like anything. We as humans like what we like and sometimes we like something yet we don’t quite know why. However, I think it’s important to always point out why you like something despite the faults it may have. G2 is a perfect example of this. There’s lots of reasons to like G2, and many of them are different from G1.

G1 excelled in storytelling and multimedia marketing campaigns, but G2 excelled in hype building and set design. The mid to late 2014 cycle of hype for G2 is something I’ll always look back fondly on despite the way G2 ultimately ended. I get angered by the same stuff most people do with G2, lack of defined characters, a poorly told story, horrendously bad marketing (the Gold Mask contests, lol)… but I don’t let that take away from the positive feelings surrounding the theme either.

That’s the way fandom works, is you have to take the good with the bad and try to focus on the positives while still acknowledging the negatives. If all you do is focus on the negatives, then you run the risk of becoming a whiny internet troll who argues with people because that’s the only enjoyment they can still get out of the fandom.

In many ways because of my experiences with G2, despite growing up with G1, to a degree I feel a closer connection with G2 than I do with G1. G1 got me into the franchise, sure, and the pain of losing it in 2010 was enormous, but hearing that we’d be given a second chance was everything. Even after the cancellation, I had enough faith in the ideas behind G2’s story despite the poor execution that I then spent four years rewriting and filming/directing/producing a stop-motion retelling series to fix it. If that isn’t an ultimate form of looking at the positives while keeping the negatives in check then I don’t know what is.

If you feel weird that you like G2 despite it’s failings, then don’t. It’s perfectly normal to find joy in things that are often universally decreed bad. Very few things are truly irredeemable, so you hold onto whatever goodness G2 had to offer and cherish it.


to answer the question in the title, absolutely not.
and to be quite honest I kind of like g2 for the sets. there weren’t too many that were horrible, and the good ones have beaten the toa metru in terms of gear functions vs poseability balance.

though the story was kind of garbage

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No, it is not. I didn’t hate G2 that much, either. It’s just that it was a failed attempt to make lightning strike twice.

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I absolutely agree with the prior assertions that there is nothing wrong with liking G2. Speaking subjectively, as someone who missed out on most of G1, I am happy knowing that I was actively engaging with the theme during its run. Furthermore, Onua’s line “We keep on fighting, as long as we can” from the 2015 animations is a scene I’ll always remember fondly.


You’re entitled to like whatever you want. Personally, I enjoyed G2, but more so because of the memories I have of the time when it was around than the actual series itself. I liked the return to simplicity and the tribal aesthetic, but I think they oversimplified everything and dumbed down the worldbuilding too much.

I definitely get the idea of being more free to work with in terms of RP and Fanfic though.


I don’t think it’s bad bro. I really enjoyed G2 and was incredibly upset when it was cancelled. Story left a lot to be desired, but the sets imo were fantastic. 2016 is my third favorite year after 2007 and 2003. The Uniters, the Beasts, and Umarak the Destroyer are all really unique and innovative sets. I love that they took everything and married it all together, Technic, Bionicle, CCBS, and System. They were a little rough around the edges but they seemed like a big step on the path to the culmination/peak of constraction and it greatly depresses me to think what kind of incredible builds we might have seen had it continued.


As others have said, nothing wrong with liking it. The sets seem really solid, in my opinion, and CCBS helped me start getting more into moccing, since i could focus more on other elements.

I wasn’t a fan of the lore. Pohatu’s and Kopaka’s personality changes drove me up a wall (who thought making Pohatu a massive stubborn guy who ends up a third arguer alongside Tahu and Kopaka was a good idea?), the mask powers being the elements felt off, and Journey to One…just made me cringe in spots. Notably Gali’s ending speech of “we don’t draw our elemental power from the planet. The planet draws it’s elements from us!..We are Toa, we ARE the elements!”

That said, I did recently buy a Pohatu, Master of Stone set, because I absolutely love the design of it, and want to get the Onua sets at minimum. Everyone has different tastes and things they may appreciate about either generation. Don’t feel bad for that.


It’s not bad at all!:+1:
Go ahead and like G2! (It’s all a matter of your personal preference.):slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Yes it’s horrible that you have your own opinion on a toy line


I think the sets are absolutely amazing, and while not as plentiful or diverse as G1, they will last a lot longer because CCBS is almost invincible.