Is there a way to edit existing custom parts in to have dual-molded colour?

Is it possible to, for example make a custom mask in studio to have a secondary colour of metal blue, or dark purple?


I believe that SwampyKryakwa’s colorpack allows you to do this


Thank you! I’ll check it out.

Here you go:

Haven’t watched it myself but it might be helpful

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Yeah Like Atobe said, Swamp Kryakwa’s pack has some very nice fusion colours. I’m using them to make some Inika/Mahri revamps right now.

For example.

The issue comes in if you want to make your own. It uses a coding language to create the blend, possible CSS if I remember.


As you and Atobe have said, the easiest way is through colours, while it’s not perfect every time, you can modify the colours a bit if you need to, don’t bother making custom parts just for the purpose of them being dual-molded.


Where can I find the template values of Dark Purple and Metal Blue colours spesifically? Since I need the shades to match the default studio colours.
I looked in the /Studio/CustomColor there are only luminous and translusent colors listed as templates.

The actual color file is located somewhere else. Are you trying to do a half/half blend of dark purple and metal blue? I can make that for you.

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I was thinking somewhere between 30-40% blend, with Dark-Purple as a bottom colour and Metallic-Blue as an upper one, I hope that would look good enough. Do you have the template and right values?


Template for a blended color? I can send you something on Discord.

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I’d really appreciate it. I’m on the Bio 3d modeling server right now, template with right color shade values and fusion configuration would be enough.

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I don’t go on that server anymore (and honestly I think people should stop linking it. they’re nothing but trouble there). DM me KDNX#7760