Jojo Stands/Stand MOCs dissussion topic

So, I’m back from my holiday… And I got straight to building my Stand. I have a torso and a head done, but I need to make a very system-y Bricklink order for the limbs.

It’s done! Just abilities and stats to come up with. If anyone wants to help me out I can tell you he’s a big red guy, and his stats lean more towards the strength side of things…

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looch now has a stand for real.

and it’s ability, 「Bookmaker」

Power - D

Speed - C

Range - A

Durability - C

Precision - A

Potential - B

It impales enemies with large screws. Instead of killing them, they seal the stands of whoever’s impaled for a certain amount of time, 2 minutes per screw.

The MOC itself is a WIP, so this is just marking my territory.


that is pretty interesting
but I feel like something should happen if they try to remove the screw

They can try.

I never said the wounds would heal if they pulled them out.

If they let the time run out, it’s like nothing happened.

You should make the screws drills. And have them pierce the heavens.

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That’s for later



thought yeah that is pretty good


[quote=“Omega_Tahu, post:65, topic:27305, full:true”]
You should make the screws drills. And have them pierce the heavens.

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Now Imagine:

Mobile Suit Gunman with bending abilities and a Stand.

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So i’ve decided to jump aboard the Stand Bandwagon, (Or StandWagon, if you will)
So here’s my little submission

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Why is this even a thing… like, why do we need stands? - You do realize that tag-team mocs existed before and were much more likeable due to original backstories? - Can’t we just return to that, people?

It became so darn overused.


to be fair the concept is not original, stuff like personas or like spiritual energies that take shapes to help users, etc, it’s just that Jojo’s anime was popular enough to garner fans who wanted personal stands, and with their mechanical nature I guess it clicked with Moccists, I just don’t care, I don’t have space or parts for a Stand Moc even if I wanted to

but it’s what they wan’t and what you don’t, maybe in months or a while after the anime ends or people get tired MOC stands might dwindle in popularity


Overused? There are like 10 stands on the boards.

Every stand has a drastically different ability.
not an argument.


More like 100.

Hate to break it down to you, but ability is not a backstory. - In essence, every stand MOC ever goes a little something like this: “This is insertnamehere’s stand, it does this and that… if you don’t know what a stand is, here is a link.”- Of course, unoriginal idea doesn’t mean the execution has to be too, no, I like some of the “stand MOCs” out there… I just dislike seeing the concept in Bionicle.

I just don’t even get how the concept of something like stand happened to become a Bionicle trend.

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eh, to be fair, noone explains their stands, just seems to be a trend to have around and stands are just theren without much backstory, no meteor, no arrows, no techniques to get it, not even official to the MOCcers’ lore in some cases, seems more like a fun thing rather than something serious


Well, it’s easier to make bionicle stands than minifig stands due to customizability and stuff

No, you don’t understand me. - HOW did something so odd and totally out of the realm of Bionicle ccommunity become a trend in it?

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think about those guys with made up elements and species… then again they vaguely tried to explain it and I can’t remember Ghosty or anyone offering some sort of explaination…

Those are still easier explained than something like stands. - Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea the stands present. - It’s just that nobody bothered to be original enough to use the concept as basis instead of copy-pasting it into Bionicle/other universes.


true, Stands are basically psyonic energy beings that adhere to a user’s will, not quite original and infact probably akin to something like spirits or familiars, or personas, so yeah not quite original but it must allure considering there’s ranks, types, restrictions and overpowering upgrades or specific abilities, then again you can just do that but without it being a stand and, while you might be called out, it’s fine I guess

still being specificly a staple of a series does remove it from being entirely original, but yeah there’s other ways to rework it

I can’t speak for everyone else, but my stand is non canon I made for a goof because I like Jojo.