JTL's LDD Brickheadz

A Tahnok? Preston Stormer? Mega Man?

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Do a FO stormtrooper?

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And Batch 4 is here! Here we have a Tahnok, Mega Man, Stormer (Hero Factory) and Spider-Man! BTW, thanks to @BBricks for the ideas for the first three. But let me tell you, Tahnok was really hard to bet looking right. My favorite of this batch has to be Stormer, who in my mind looks perfect.

And now here’s the full group shot of the complete JTL’s Brickheadz: Series 1!

Many more to come, and seriously, if you have an ideas for one feel free to share!


oboy oboy oboy they look gr8 m8.

I agree, Stormer looks awesome. Spooder Man’s eyes are pretty creative, and Mega Man and Tahnok look really cute.

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sees Stormer


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these boys would look p cool in a rendering program like bluerender

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Okay, the beginning of Series 2 is here, with Batch 5! Here we have a group that should never be seen together: A First Order Stormtrooper (Thanks @kanohippy!), The Incredible LarryBoy (Google him if you must, this guy was my childhood), Benny the 1980s-something Spaceguy, and The Flash. My favorite of this batch is by far LarryBoy, and to a lesser extent Flash (I find it ironic that I used bananas for his head bolts.)

Psst…I downloaded Bluerender for displaying these, but with my lesser technological skills I lack the ability to actually figure out how to open it and render. If someone could PM me about what I have to do, that’d be great.


If you’re taking requests, I’d love to see you do my self-MOC, Kasai.

Or of Sonic the Hedgehog

And, if you’re up to the challenge, a half Kasai half Sonic Brickhead, to represent my YouTube Channel, Bionic Sonic

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Hmm. Interesting. I will attempt.

for reference, here’s the channel logo to help you get an idea.

So, something way different than the others, requested by @Toa_Kasai, the self-moc/Sonic/Fusion/abomination that is BionicSonic!


Oh my gosh, that is amazing.

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You sir are a certified genius.

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You sir, have created the greatest MOC in all history.


JTL’s Brickheadz: Now in Bluerender!

Introducing Batch 6, in beautiful Bluerender quality! The four for today are Johnny Thunder, SCOTT STERLING, Anakin Skywalker, and Pohatu Nuva. I think Pohatu Nuva might be favorite, just because he turned out so much better than his predecessor. I also love me that Sterling.


Do @Political_Slime to help inflate his ego :stuck_out_tongue:



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leo cmon it’s not that big

All in all, I gotta say I’m impressed. The Larry-boy and Johnny Thunder are what really stands out to me.

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are requests still open?

'cause i’d like to see your take on the Guncannon:

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Well, even after a single day of having Bluerender installed, it’s wreaking havoc on my piece-o-crud computer, we have resorted back to regular LDD to bring you, as requested by @Leoxandar, @Political_Slime!