Just Metal. A Hero factory "movie" coming late summer 2015 (Hopefully)

So I’m making a Hero factory “movie” called Just Metal it will be about the effect of the Hero factory on the world around it (If Hero factory was in real life) and will mainly focus on tax money going to support Hero factory and military taxes being spent on Hero factory instead. The main idea of the movie is to ask this question:

Are the Heroes just metal?


Plot twist:

they’re plastic


(Inception noise)
Directed by:
Michael Bay

And by the way in while I’ll be having voice auditions so I guess “Stay tuned” for that…
Ahhh for the heck of it I’ll give a short bio of the main character

Richard drowse:
Is a soldier who has started discriminating against “Heroes” due to their effect on the military. He treats Heroes like machines and expects them to except it.

So yeah if you think you could voice him (and have a good mic) tell me because I need voices. I’ll probably start actually doing auditions some time later this month.

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So now for something interesting. Time for voice auditions! This is the first time I’ve done something like this so I don’t know exactly how to do it but I’ll give it a try.

So the characters I need so far are:

Richard drowse:
Same as before.

Jay (Hero):
Pretty much the Hero equivalent of Richard. Doesn’t like people who complain about heroes.
Is bulky and has a deep voice

(Insert name here(Hero)):
Don’t have a name for him yet so if you audition for him maybe include a fitting name. He believes heroes should be the bigger men. Fights with a sword. Is samurai like.

Bill der:
Average soldier. Doesn’t particularly like Heroes
Listens to Richard.

News reporter:
Sound like a news reporter.

Sound like a protestor.

Please only audition if you have a good mike. Audition by posting links to video auditions on youtube (Please tell me if there is a more effective way of doing this)

There will probably be more auditions in the future but bye for now!

I might recommend getting Skype just so you can enter Calls and then get a feel for a person’s voice.

And then just have them record the audio on a file and send it to you via Skype IMs

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That sounds easier might try that. Thanks

Well…this sounds cool! I might give it a shot!..

as long as you will have me…

What does that mean exactly?

in hf yes

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That seems unnecessarily negative. If you don’t like hero factory, then don’t post in the topic. But it’s obvious that Student Scissors likes it

I don’t like Hf
I just want to make a story about it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Whatever you do, it needs some Meltdown.


Well. I am a good VA it just…you and me have been arguing ever sence I joined…

Oh. Well this project is on hiatus until I have the free time and skill to properly work on it :stuck_out_tongue:


Ah okay…tell me when it is back!


??? what

VA=Voice Actor

i am too actually if you need

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