Kapura moves quickly by moving slowly and is able to be where he presently is not. These things are highly related to time. Watches and clocks are also related to time. The original Bionicle watch included a red Pakari and the original Bionicle clock included a red Ruru. Kapura has been seen wearing a red Pakari and a red Ruru. Coincidence? Probably, still interesting.
turaga_of_force has broken the simulation, shut it down
gladly. @mods
this is a pretty interesting conspiracy theory, and I’m intrigued to see where this conversation goes.
So the watch and clock had Kapura’s masks? Is there pictures of these? I haven’t seen 'em before.
Even still, I dunno if that’s time travel or Kapura knowing how to teleport. The logistics behind the “fast is slow” thing always confused me.
No Pakari.
The clock bears out, though.
The watch actually did include a Pakari.
It may not be that hard to make sense out of if you go into it. Turns out the concept of moving really fast without actually moving that fast has been examined by very smart people trying to avoid interstellar speeding tickets based on technicalities.
There’s a couple options of relativistic stuff that could be happening. Of course, time dilation jank is always an easy option but my favourite is the bending of spacetime similar to warp bubbles from star trek. It even kind of looks like it when he dodges Rahi attacks.
foiled again
I didn’t mean to imply time travel. I only meant to imply that quick, slow, and present are all concepts related to time.
I mean, technically moving is always time travel.
To me, that kind of sounds like something an old monk would say.
Was really hoping there would be something cool with the Rahkshi watch I owned as a child that related to time. But metalic green rahkshi don’t exist, and neither do time Rahkshi
Lerahk is metallic green, same as the watch head.
How dare you come at me like this, like I should know what Rahkshi look like. I can’t believe the disrespect. Don’t you know who I am?