Karix, Toa of Fire

Here’s a model I finished yesterday! This is my first time building the full skeleton before adding any of the armour/details. Really helped me concentrate on the poseability of this model.

The upper arms can twist just below the shoulder. Makes it easy to do some really interesting poses.
Also the shoulderblades move! I used cables linked to the lower torso to provide enough friction for the shoulderblades to hold their pose.

Hope you like him!


The build is great, especially the torso, though my favorite bit would have to be that weapon design. It’s so simple, but fits together so well.


Really good, although I’m getting a strangely feminine vibe…


@Nogus101 That’s ok!
I only wrote “him” at the bottom of the post because I felt people would expect a male Toa of fire. I actually built it with a more feminine body type in mind, but hey, feminine guys exist right?

@TheMOCingbird thanks for the compliment, that weapon just kind of came together through luck as it happened to be amongst the first pieces I fished out of the box. After I put them together I couldn’t find anything better so I went with it!


I think going for a female toa of fire would work a little better, especially with the poses and body shapes :stuck_out_tongue:
You do you, though, this is pretty good either way.
The only gripes I have is that the shoulders (The black bits between the dark red chest piece and the orange shoulder bits) feel a little exposed. I’d try filling those in.
Also, on the rest of the toa, the orange is more of a smooth texture. When you hit the shoulders and forearms, it suddenly becomes more mechanical and less smooth. I’d try to stick to either one texture or the other.
Not that it’s a huge problem, in this case everything is really nice and consistent with good colors and good shaping.

Well done!


Honestly the being male but effeminate is pretty under represented so I think I’ll stick with it.
I did try to mirror the rough texture with the orange at the lower shins, so the only smooth orange bit left is the mask really, which is kinda unavoidable - but thanks for the feedback. As for the shoulders, the honest explanation is I ran out of attachment points, but I feel like I would also lose some of the poseability I was trying to focus on by doing that.
Always appreciated though, I’ll keep your comments in mind for the next one!


I can’t wait to see what you make!


Yeah me too…

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Very nice not enough Mocs have that range of shoulder articulation.


Amazing! I love the idea of articulated shoulderblades.

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Note to self: Don’t make a toa of ambiguous gender, because that’s all anybody will talk about

(jk mostly… i really appreciate all the compliments and feedback from everyone, thanks!)

This is a cool Toa. I especially like the cable design in the back.

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