Korgot Revamp/WIP

The excessive feminisation of this character seems to be a rather odd portrayal. Maybe a slightly more humanised revamp could have worked if the proportions were good, however instead it seems more focus was made on making the MOC sexual - to the point where i don’t view it as a good revamp of the original character. Hips and legs are too wide and the body gets too thin and stretched in place.

Nothing else to talk about as nothing else about the MOC was revamped over than making the character overtly sexual. All you’ve done is give a character that didn’t need sexualisation, tons of sexualised aspects and made those the focus of the revamp…

Art is different - especially because in art you can change the proportions and actually make it look somewhat believable. If this MOC was made into art, it probably wouldn’t be allowed on the site due to the insane amount of sexualisation it has. A quick search and a very similar body can be found with Mantax here (Potentially NSFW link) though that body is noticeably better proportioned than the MOC.Heck, its like the physical representation of this (Potentially NSFW link) and that came from a NSFW site.

Note; If either link is not allowed then it’ll only prove my point further…

This is meant to be a revamp yet all it does is give the character breasts, a butt, thin waistline, hips, high heels and a size zero body. The only things this revamp changed were done for exaggerated sexualisation. As such those are the things that people talking about the MOC can speak about.

There are ways to make female MOC’s without stupidly over-exaggerated things, hence why community members get annoyed when the talents of a potentially amazing MOC’er are wasted on sexualising a character who didn’t need to be sexualised in the first place. Breasts and hips wouldn’t get so much hate if the MOC offered anything else for people to comment about - a large time the focus is intently done on the sexualised parts such as the case here.


I don’t think that moc is a sexual as that pic sir, you’re over sexualizing how sexual this moc is.

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it kinda is.


Credit goes to @JMP

Credit goes to @Shadow_Rage

I think they are on an equal ground here.


They are pretty equal, JMP’s has actual breasts though

The MOC has larger hips and a thinner body

Also, because the JMP one is drawn - the blaster, shoulder armour are smaller while the legs are a lot thinner.


Still over sexualized, that’s the point

If your point is that the proportions are over sexualized, then would this also be?

The proportions in that actually look humanoid - I’m not sure what you are trying to say via showing it because that looks nothing like the proportions of the MOC. The only thing that vaguely resembles the MOC is the hip size, but that drawing has a stomach that matches the size while this one is a size zero skeleton.


This is too perfect, lol.


The hips and torso are similar proportion wise, now the waist on the moc is small, that is true, but the over all proportions are similar.

I know right?! XD you started it and it got big, it’s pretty funny to me.

Edited for Double Post - Slime
cmon tak step it up

I’m sorry man ;-;

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not really.

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Tell me how it’s not

Did you really have to search those pics up? Or do you regularly visit /biog/?

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proportions revolve around the unity of an object or person. change just one drastically enough, and it’s not even remotely similar. Compare this MOCs waist to the picture you posted. that’s drastic enough a change.


I just asked a dude at the place I’m at, he didn’t even know it was a chick. He thought it was a super armored warrior. He saw nothing sexual about it.

Update: two people, they both thought it was stupid people thought this was sexualized. So obviously we have different opinions and they’re not changing so let’s stop arguing.

Yeah, have to agree with Cal here. If Shadow_Rage’ intention was to make an overly sexualised MOC ‘for the luls’ then Tak210 taking it seriously and then complaining saying how it makes the community look bad for disliking it doesn’t fit.

I critiqued proportions along with everyone else and you turned it into ‘guys are sexists because they don’t like MOC’s with overly sexualised stuff - which is why there are no girls on the boards’

I got it from the multiple other users currently saying how overly sexualised this is and comparing it in conversations.


This is what I didn’t understand. Isn’t it far more likely that it is MOCs like this that makes girls less likely to join the community?


Let’s just stop talking about it, it was made to be controversial it seems so let’s stop falling for it.

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Hey now, haha. I’m taking all the critiques here and I fully intend to fix this MOC once I’ve acquired the parts, like I mentioned earlier in this topic. :joy:


was it though?