Hey guys, I’ve been having fun with the new BIONICLE sets and have been MOCing quite a bit, so I wanted to share my MOCs with you guys.
I have opted to only use BIONICLE 2015 and onward parts to mess with. I do this because I like to make a MOC, and then remake my sets to make sure I still have everything, and then I MOC again.
And, that’s it for now!
There’s not much I can say about these MOC’s other than that I just made something I thought was neat.
They are all broken now, but I’m sure I could rebuild them.
Hope you guys enjoyed, I will be posting more, so remember to hit that Tracking button if you want to see more!
Constructive criticism is very welcome and thanks for viewing.
On the topic of Gen 2 MOCs, this reminds me alot of the really old MOCs that came before 2004. Which makes me wonder if we’ll have any kind of divide between new and old fans besides age…
I’m liking the MOCs, although they seem a wee bit too similar to the sets out now. Although I can’t really say anything about that since you’re strictly using G2 parts.
Skull Protector of Water: Attacks enemies with his massively overgrown toenails, pitifully small ice picks, and uber beefy chest.
Skull Protector of Fire: Attacks enemies with his gloriously alternating fire and stone ammunition, feet ripped off of another protector, and inconsistent color scheme. Also transforms so he can use Gorilla Warfare.
Master of Skulls: “I am Skully. My massive feet extensions will not help me whatsoever. It is my destiny to claim my golden Skull Spider of power and become THE MASTER OF SKULLS!”
Image 4: Tahu and the Fire Protector don the colors of their true idols.
Master of Protectors: “I am the Protector of Stone. I am armed with every weapon in existence to slice, block, burn, and cut my enemies. It is my destiny to… actually, screw Golden masks. My body is already ready.”
Apparently the Protector of Fire decided that in the absence of Ekimu and Makuta that he’d take their place and become the Mask Maker until their return, but unfortunately he crafted the very mask that brought the Skull Spiders to the island…