Kuware the unrelenting fool

So with this one,there’s an interesting story behind it.My sister made a simple villain moc and asked me to upgrade it.So I did.Then again.And again.And again.Maybe another again?I’ve lost count.And now it’s this.I decided to title him the unrelenting fool seeing as whenever I think I’m gonna scrap him,I end up modifying him.


i really like that you did with the back of the mask, havent seen that done before. one thing i would say is im not a fan of the yellow on the forearms, while yeah it is on the leg spikes i feel it is very distracting and breaks the colour scheme on the arms.


I think the torso could stand to be filled in more, but other then that and the yellow on the forearms, I quite like this.

Good work.

Not bad, but those are some big hands…

It’s not much that the hands are big,rather that the claws are huge!
(The Destroyer ain’t got nothing on those claws)

It’s very different, and I think it works well for it.

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I like the nightmarish and deformed look of it!

The back looks really weird, but it works for the concept. Nice!

I like it!
It looks very different form the other skull villains (I assume it started around there?)
I just love how it looks so unique!

It started like a generic HF style villain and I(somehow) wound up with this.

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This is very different. I quite like this.

I think this thing’s parents were the unrelenting fools.