Kyoryu Yellow and Ruby

I made minifigs of Ruby and I. Cuz why not?!

First off is Kyoryu Yellow, me! Before I say anything more, I would like to point out that I absolutely SUCK at painting (and drawing), As such, I will admit that the details on these guys are terribad.

Views from the sides and back.

Me with my helmet off.

Now onto Ruby. Again, the details kinda suck Zamor Spheres, but at the same time, I suck at the arts. I think I did a pretty good job with Crescent Rose, though.

With her hood off.

Views from the sides and back.

So, I made these for some reason, and now I’m sharing them with you guys. What do you think? Are these terribad because of the paint job? Or is the mere concept behind them 3awesome5u?




Roo, what have you done?..

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I have created the creatures that should never see the light of day…

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To be completely honest, I love that Ruby minifig! I can see practically nothing about it thats wrong.

If I wanted to be nit-picky, I would point out that Ruby’s hair in the show is longer on one side than on the other, but I suppose there are no lego hair pieces that would work perfectly.

And that Crescent Rose is incredible! What set did you get those pieces from?
One of these.
One of these.
Two of these.
One of these.
One of these.
One of these.
One of these.
And one of these.
Also, you’re gonna need red and black paint.

Awesome! Thank you. I may build one sometime in the future when I have the time, if thats ok with you?

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SURE! Go ahead!

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Pretty cool. Ruby is particularly cool.

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Your Yellow figure is actually a lot better than you think. As well as the Ruby figure. The helmet is what you should work on though. Maybe get a Elite Space Police helmet in yellow with a black visor

All of my space helmets were used up long ago… as to what I used them on, that’s for a different post. Anyways, yeah, I am kinda proud of the figures, but they could use a better paint job.

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You dork.



@anon90160534 bask in glory of the horrible crimes you’ve committed.


These are actually pretty cool.