Lacrosse-style Koli in Tiro (Year 2) [Worldbuilding] [Characters] [Pitch]

Hi everyone!
So, a few days ago I came up with a way to incorporate lacrosse Koli into BRICKONICLE, but it isn’t in Motara-it’s in Tiro. Anyway, I digress. This all starts at the beginning of the civil war, before Tiro joins in. Worry is spreading across Tiro, and young matoran are starting to get freaked out. In an attempt to distract them, their parents allow them to mess with thier tools. The matoran start moving rocks with them and a game is created. This opens a lot of places to fill with backstories and characteristics.

Akilini (Suggested by @UltimateMustacheX )

Name Backstory: The fruit that was first used as Balls where called Akilini (Suggested by @Bokarda)


  1. Matches will be played with two teams. (Suggested By @Bokarda )
  2. Each team must have an equal amount of players. (From G1)
  3. Teams can have up to 5 players. (Suggested By @UltimateMustacheX )
  4. Before the match, all teams agree on the number of points needed for victory, but the maximum is 3 more than the total player count. (Suggested By @Bokarda/From G1, Tweaked by me )
  5. Scores in one’s own goal counts as a point for the other team. (Suggested by @Bokarda)
  6. The Goalie is given a shield to block goals, but if it is dropped/given to another player, there is a penalty for that team. The same applies for an Akilini staff. (Suggested By @Bokarda )
  7. All players Must have one Akilini staff. (Suggested By @Bokarda and also from G1)
  8. Striking another player is not allowed, but you are allowed to hit another player’s Akilini staff with your own. (Suggested By @Bokarda )
  9. One Akilini ball (Actual Ball, Fruit, etc.) must be in play at all times, if it is lost, whichever team has the most points wins. (Suggested By @Bokarda, Tweaked By Me)
  10. If the ball is in the basket-like end of an Akilini staff, the player can only walk until they have passed it to another player. All other players can move at any speed. (Suggested By @Bokarda )
  11. If a Rahi/Other beast attacks, the game is put on pause until the problem is dealt with. (From G1)

And Here’s @FuegoDeCera’s Post on Tiroan Akilini’s Learning Curve compared to Motaran Koli’s.

So anyway, what do you think I should do to improve upon this idea? Are there any backstories that you can think of?

See ya!

EDIT: Instead of moving rocks around, @Bokarda suggested that dried/unripe fruit be the ball and the tools used as sticks could be for gathering fruit from tall trees & such.


Since Tiro specializes in agriculture and forestry, perhaps they use fruit-gathering tools used for high-hanging fruit (a long stick with a cup-like shape at the end, with a slit going through to grab the fruit stem) for their sticks, and they could just use a piece of unripe fruit for the ball?


I know many people don’t care about sports in an adventure-themed series, but when it comes to replicating Lacross in Brickonicle, I can’t help but picture this.

What do you think? Should this be the time when LEGO Sports sets could make a triumphant return?


Man… those minifigure stands are giving me some serious waves of nostalgia…

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Hmm… using the second version of Koli as well as the original? Not something that ever occurred to me, but I like it. The biggest thing is that it would need it’s own name; just spelling it Kohlii won’t work.


Foot: Kohlii.
Lacrosse: Tiroan Kohlii

Kinda like football and American football.

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Eh. That distinction has always annoyed me. Besides, in the US it’s ‘soccer’ and ‘football’, so I would imagine that the Artahkans would want to be a bit more creative with their names. Furthermore, sharing a name implies that the Tiroan version is based off of the Motaran version. Given the distinctions, that seems like a bit of a stretch.


I was actually referring to European football and American football sharing the same name “football” but having completely different rules, equipment, and balls. Granted, I hate that distinction a lot, and it probably won’t work in Artakha either.

It’s annoying G1 chose to only change the spelling of the name and not the name itself.

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How about Hama-Poro (which means Hammer-Ball in Maori, if there’s no language controversy)?


Hmm good point. But I may have an idea for the name. The name Soccer comes from Asscociation footbal. The letters ‘soc’ are taken from association and an ‘er’ is added. “Soccer”. Artakhan Koli could be shortened then added on to, just like soccer!

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If you’re talking about Hama-Poro for the Tiroan sport (and assuming my suggestion has been accepted), having “hammer” in the name might not work.


Good point… Then… Poro-Tao (Spear-Ball)?

Is there a word closer to ‘stick’? The problem with using ‘hammer ball’ or ‘spear ball’ is that a sport based off of lacrosse likely wouldn’t use hammers or spears.

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The main problem is that the equipment they use are not (to my knowledge) real tools. It’s a tool in the shape of a lacrosse stick with a slit running down the middle of the “cradle” to catch onto the stem of high-hanging fruit and pull it down.

Edit: I stand corrected. Image below for an example, though not to the exact specifications.

Actually, if we’re going your way, a more appropriate name might be “koko-pōro”, or shovel-ball.




The main issue with making up a new name using Maori is getting the ok to do it. So far, all names have been from existing Bionicle terms, so LEGO already has the ok. To make things simple, I’d say it’s best to keep this in mind and not assume they could just get the ok for the sake of it.

That being said, there are plenty of Matoran sports that can be taken from. The biggest one that stands out is Akilini. That can be the Tiro version.


I’m not so sure Akilini would be the sport of Tiro. That seems more like Kanae’s sport, since the discs would glide and hover. Not sure how that would be incorporated into system sets.


I mean use Akilini as the name of the stick version of Kolhii.

The name is already established in Bionicle canon, and it works better than using it for a Kanae disc game. Since a disk game would be much simpler than the Tiroan Kolhii, I don’t see a need to have a unique name for it. Just Disc Toss or something like that would suffice (sort of like calling a game “Hammer Flush” instead of a Maori name). The Maori term “Akilini” can be saved for the more unique Tiroan Kolhii to differentiate it from Motaran Kolhii.


I can get behind that.