Lego City Mafia

Yes they do.

Since Mama was a cop, one can assume she would know what to say/do with her time left in the brief moments before death. She would chose her last word(s) wisely. If it was Gilbert, she would’ve said something to describe him, which tentacles isn’t, but both Squidward and the Alien have tentacles. If she saw the alien, she could’ve said “alien” or “spaceman” or something like that. When she saw Squidward, she knew exactly what to say, “Tentacles.” Not only does Squidward have tentacles, but his last name is Tentacles. Cops routinely use last names as identification (Mr. Tentacles), but she dropped the Mr. for times sake, since she was dying.

Assuming “Tentacles” means Gilbert is innocent, that means his accusation against Squidward is viable, albeit not conclusive. What spices it up though is the fact that Gilbert’s sword was there, and Squidward says Gilbert did it. This looks like textbook framing. Squidward would leave Gibert’s sword at the scene and then blame him later. The Alien is staying quiet because his higher intelligence tells him that speaking up is only going to make himself look guilty.

TLDR: “Tentacles” means "Mr. Tentacles, aka Squidward."

I shall vote accordingly, and I urge you all to do the same.


Actually, no Lego version of Squidward has tentacles. The rest of your point stands, though if I was dying, I’d probably describe a characteristic rather than a last name.

And what of the slime left at the crime scene?

I’m inclined to think it was the Alien who killed Mama because of the slime trail. If the note was really written right as Mama died, then it could mean features of the last thing they saw. I won’t count out the others because of reasons aforementioned.
I’d argue for Gilbert because Squidward’s testimony against him makes more sense in the case of toppling a wall. If the found weapon at the scene was a sword, I don’t see how that could aid in pushing over the wall.


You’re under a pile of rubble, you saw the guy who crashed it down on you, and you know that there are 3 people near you; one of them is a nerdy white guy named Tom, then there is a brown guy named Jeff, and another tan guy named Mr. Brown. Knowing this, and knowing how your police force will find these men at the scene, what one word would you use? What if the word was “Brown;” what would you expect your partners to pick?

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You’re operating off of the assumption that Mama Brickolini would even know the last name of Squidward. Unless it’s a very small town, a cop isn’t going to know every citizen’s last name, and certainly wouldn’t think of it as they were being crushed to death.


Unless, of course, as a cop, Squidward IS a escaped criminal (AKA a Mafian), in this case she’d very much know who it is.

Unfortunately the evidence is too vague to indicate which one it is.


You bring up a good point, but we must also realize that she was under a pile of rubble. It’s possible that she couldn’t see anything above their feet. Therefore, if she saw tentacles, it’d make sense to write tentacles.

Just a thought


Based on the evidence provided, I think I’m gonna go with Squidward. (@AwesomeJoel27)


Honestly, the slime in question make me think the Alien (@Invader). So that’s my vote.


It really depends on how the rubble was formed around her. It would be quite hard to see anything, especially with the dust. It would make seeing features terribly hard. However, she could hear fine once the rubble is done falling. Or at least well enough to hear her killers voice. If Squidward is an escaped villain, she could recognize his voice, and if she knows him by voice, she should know him by name.

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I’m gonna have to go with the Alien Commander (@Invader)

I want my mother’s killer put to justice

But why would Squidward speak? You’re making up evidence to support your claims now, which leads me to either believe that you’re either a cop, or a mafian trying to protect a friend. Or I can be jumping to conclusions…

However, it never indicates he spoke.

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I think you are lol.

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This is true. Stating that she could’ve recognized a voice is assuming someone spoke at all.

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I mean how do you guys know he didn’t?

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That question can go both ways. How does Ranaki know she did?


Assuming I suppose, or giving possible outcomes.

This mystery is vague, so it’s good to consider all possible solutions or situations. Ranaki is simply playing the game correctly.

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And I’m providing counterclaims. Is that playing the game incorrectly?

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