Lego Message Boards Closing & Q&A Topic Saving Contest

I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, but the guys at BS01 already have their solution.

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so, can we call it off?

I have a horrible sense of sarcasm, I apologize


A $40 set? Looks like I’ll be wearing out my CTRL+V keys over the next few weeks.

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Hey, I know is kind of late, but has anyone already done it? I want to know if it’s worth give it a shot

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It can’t be done yet. Not as long as people keep commenting on the Chat with Greg Farshtey thread. We essentially have until Lego makes it read only on February 28.


I’ve been talking about using that on Discord, but everyone told me it wasn’t trustworthy and insufficient

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I was the first app to send in my version, but it’s continually updating every day…

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Status of Archiving: Archive Complete. Method Used Ctrl + S on page saves the page in its entirety and is by far faster than copying the text or Taking Screenshots as both require scrolling Browser Used: Chrome


CTRL +V is paste

Do not double post. - Eljay

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I’m just going to leave this here as a hypothetical.


I have an unfortunate feeling that may lead to a lot of underaged users…

Just considering that a lot of LMB users are likely pretty young.


We already had a problem with that before.

I welcome users who are the correct age (Or act like they are since we can’t check ages) but I’m not a huge fan of people trying to join us below the requirement clearly stated in the rules.


The Following onedrive File Contains all 889 Pages of the Ask Greg Farshtey Forum on the lego message boards the process for saving them was simple enough if this is participation in that challenge is unknown i just saved these because the screenshot method can loose quality and the text method will probably loose whatever images are present, so also enclosed in the Zip File is a FLV of the saving process and proof of how well this method works compared to others it only takes a few hours to save the entire forum when compared to others that could take days or paying some shotty site to pull the forums and risked getting scammed

OneDrive Download Link!AqNrMzQcI_wD5DB4LXM6_2ELmyHm

890 and beyond coming soon


Even though age verification doesn’t really work, you can always tell who is and isn’t underage (comprehension, grammar, cooperation, overall level of childishness). Even if someone is underage, if they act and write intelligently, it shouldn’t affect the boards too much. Besides, if they misbehave, the mods will ban them for literally 2 or 3 whole centuries (not even joking; I don’t think you can permaban people from the boards so they set the tempban time really long). Check some banned account’s profiles if you don’t believe me.

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Not gonna dwell on this long but pretty all of us masters sit around discord eating popcorn and cheering when a mod bans an annoying member.

So that’s a exaggerated way of saying he probably knows.


@ForG0773n45 It took you a few hours? Like how long is a few hours? I managed to get all the pages done, at the time about 886, in about an hour and fifteen, maybe thirty minutes?

Also what is the point of people posting their unfinished results now or sending it to eljay now? It doesn’t matter and won’t win any brownie points since the whole point of this is a completed archives at the time of the message boards closure. Sending it now is just wasting Eljay’s time.


Part of it may have been a misunderstanding - I for one thought that the first person to send him the currently complete version would be the winner, and he/she would just have to update it until it closed.

What makes this interesting now is knowing exactly what exact time the MBs will close…

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I imagine once it gets closer to the actual closing of the message boards, we will know the exact time. As I said earlier, we basically have two months until the message boards close/go into read only mode. That’s quite a bit of time.

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the exact time when the boards go into read-only is Feb 28th, at what i assume to be midnight.

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Props for doing it on Onedrive. Though the security could be an issue, I frankly think that doing it manually is better than using any program that you didn’t make yourself.

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