Let's talk about nightmares


######…thank goodness that was not the case…

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I had a dream, I’m not sure weather it was a night mare, kinda just really really weird…

Well, what was it?


a nightmare i had a few years ago, i was in my bed,and i looked into the mirror and there was this demon thing sitting on me,i try to scream,and nothing comes out.

Okay, I will tell. Once many years ago I dreamed I was at my primary school in the undercover area were students locked up there bikes. It was nighttime and there was really heavy rain, however there were no clouds in the sky. A large pirate ship then sailed across the asphalt quadrangle. I was then aboard the ship, it was like the original Club Penguin nightclub and there were many pirates and alcoholic beverages. Then my teeth were made of rubber, I could bend them all around and they would just spring back into place…

Hmm… The last nightmare I can remember involved a bad car crash.

pfft, my whole life is a nightmare

a few years ago i woke up in sweat because of a nightmare

the nightmare was about cows which grew Fangs and started eating people.

thing is it looked like an anime. it was freaky

i swear it looked like an anime

another Nightmare i’ve had was about A young asian boy in an sailor costume. who’s mouth Unhinged and ate me alive.

other than that nightmares are very rare for me

I had this dream once when I was younger and my cat was still alive, where I was just walking around in my house, and this wasp was trapped in a glass display case. It got out, and stung my cat. Then, while I was really sad, it turned into a wrinkly gray bulldog or something…


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geez how did this topic out of my many et noticed again?

i just bring the party baby :sunglasses:


You scare me.

i have crazy nightmares

I noticed.

blue pins and red axels so many of them it was horifyinf I was drowning in them it was crazy @Eljay

I had this nightmare once… It was about this evil looking nun that was stalking my family. at the end of it she turned into a pack of demonic looking wolfs, and they ate my family. That woke me up.

Was the local family store out of stock?


I’ve only ever had one nightmare (I was 4 at the time). Everything was dark. There were no people. I had no body as far as I could tell. Around me were a bunch of dark blue-ish colored balls. Each ball varied in size and looked almost like they were made of yarn. Maybe a better way to describe it is that they looked like extreme closeups of certain inset limbs. At least that’s the best way I can describe their texture. Each ball had a strand that would connect to another ball. I have no idea why it scared me back then.

I was in a gargantuan flood. I was an anthropomorphic turtle, and I was in a floating elevator going through the flood. There were about five other assorted anthropomorphic animals with me. I woke up before anything really happened, but it terrified me.
I was an anthropomorphic Chihuahua. (I was big on anthropomorphic animals when I was four) I was running from something, I still don’t know what. Just when another anthropomorphic Chihuahua is about to tell me what it is, I wake up. I had these two many times.
Most of my nightmares these days involve me having an allergic reaction to tree nuts. Far less interesting.

C’mon, Rap.
I used to fantasize about that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I don’t really get them too often, but here’s one I distinctly remember.

So I had thought to have woken up, and everything was going as it normally would on a lazy weekend day.
So I get up, wash my hands, and I don’t even think about it.

That was, until I looked into the mirror.

Standing- or rather, floating- right behind me is this horrific demon-esque thing that bore flowing black robes and the top of a bloody skull.
Not fun.

On a stranger note, this wasn’t a nightmare, but it was really bizarre. I once had a dream of a hitchhiking carrot.
He was run over and eaten at the end. :stuck_out_tongue:

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