Lord Aoryn

Leather Dominator MOC :open_mouth:

Looks like a spade

The moc looks very solid and sleek, though the weird blocky knees kinda break it up

Nice. I feel like the gap between the torso and arms around the shoulders is a little abrupt and could be filled in a little more, but other wise Aoryn here’s very solid looking. I usually dislike that mask’s usage, bu it looks great on him, makes his stature more imposing with its height. Gap in the back of the legs reminds me of the old titans, too. Looks sweet.

0/10 needs more Metru blue
I like this guy. I’ve never seen the Super Duper Ultra Mega Master Overlord Ultimate Dume mask used before.
He does look like he has [quote=“Mayple, post:18, topic:25512”]

though. I’d do something about that.

All in all, awesome!

this is amazing!!!

the logo looks a lot more like a spade than an a. Other wise I love this moc, but I really think the lower arms would do good with some metru blue.