Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

“an underground prison, i just pulled you from cryogenic sleep.”

“From wha----”
Suddenly the swooping could be heard again as three jet drones were coming down.

“Slag” he muttered. “Hostiles!” he said, and slid into the shadows, preparing for a strike.

“Here!” Sea Phantom asked from the stairs.

“Heck of a way to treat a descendant of your own people.” Transwarp said as he brought his weapons to bear…and wishing he had a grenade.

“Wait what?” the Targetmaster asked.

“Come on,” he says, and sprints up the stairway.

Demolishor followed him confused, and Sea Phantom closed the two doors.

“Well, We’ve got more drones.” Scaleraker states.

Through the crack of the door he coukd see the drones taking three more tubes and flying up.

“Hrm… I wonder…” he said.

“What were those? Who are you?” Demolishor said.

“Those where jet drones. I am Scaleraker, as I mentioned before.”

“And you?”
“Sea Phantom.”
“Are you a Seacon too?”
“Where is Megatron? We need to retreat to base!”

“Unfortunately, the megatron you knew has passed on.”

“What?! How? When? Again?”

“Crash, I don’t know, and… Again?”

“Megatron died twice! Actually, technically only once. Once when in space as Megatron, and once on Earth as Galvatron.”


“What year do you think it is?” Transwarp asked nervously.