Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

“Uh… Yeah. It’s weird you didn’t know that.”

“I dunno man! I just woke up!” the short-minded Targetmaster said.

“What do you think my name is?” He asked.

“I… Uhm…”

Transwarp waited patiently for the Targetmaster to answer.

“You’re an Autobot! You all are Autobots!” he said as he pointed to Octane and Skullcruncher fighting Beetle and Backstop.

Transwarp tries to activate a light to reveal himself to the Decepticon.

“I can assure, my esteemed ancestor, I am no Autobot.” He said.

“Then… Who are you?”

“I am a Predacon, a descendant of the Decepticons.” He said, “You have been in stasis for a very, very long time.”

The little Targetmaster seemed puzzled.

“There’s some kinda prison on the other side,” Forager explains. “It’s got a load o’ 'Cons in stasis pods, and I think some of 'em have woken up.”

“How d’ya know?”

" 'Cause I heard ‘em talkin’!" Forager replies.

“Oh… Now what?”

“We turn right 'round and leave 'em be,” Forager asserts.

“But… The rhino! The Seacons!”

“We’ll get 'em!” Forager assures Drill Bit. “But I’m not goin’ through a prison full o’ Decepticons to do it. We’ll find a way around, or somethin’.”

“Well it has been, what, 40,000 plus years?”

“But what if they are there?”

“Wait, what?!”

“I said you had been asleep a long time.”

“B-but how?”