Makuta Reppirax


Well, this would work, but the problem here is, that the Brotherhood Project is aiming at creating the complete Brotherhood of Makuta. Almost being killed by one of their species probably is something that would be mentioned in a Makuta’s backstory - and there’s no guarantee, that someone will build this Makuta (except of course, if you do it yourself).
So either you just mention that he attacked some Makuta, or - since I guess you want to use this sentence to punctuate Reppirax’s maniacal half - change it to something brutal he did to a servant of the Brotherhood or a Toa or some such.
Or you leave it this way and build another Makuta MOC to fit in there.


Ok, now it works. Thanks for participating!

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I think I’ll try and make a makuta for that role, seeing as Zeurel kinda failed miserably.