Makuta the Fallen God

yesterday my finale contest moc got broken, so i combined that moc with the first entery i used to create that, result is pretty cool! any way, i am lack of pieces so i took down all my hero factory collection creating 6 (!) enteris! this one have 900 pieces .

enjoy and good luck!

also this moc is inspired by one of my favorite birds , the peacock{00A66255-0F67-490B-97E3-3FCD9CF12314}&a_id=464970b0-d093-491e-b6c1-3326a3b87c02&sortEntry=false


Like a lot of other makutas I think it’d look better with the mask of control


funny fact: why i choosed the peacock? well i was walking through the streets of my city in israel, and there is a zoo in the street i walked through, and i saw a peacock! in the street !free! and the pecock just walked there and then i saw a lynx! than i runed hella fast to the zoo to take the animals back !

and from that day i started loving birds and cats!

Little bit messy but very cool none the less. I really need to pick up the pace with my Makuta, only got legs, hands, 3/4 torso and 1/3 head done


why messy?

Lots of clashing textures and cluttered pieces. Just my opinion

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I bet he would be in such a pain if he ever decided to crouch or sit, or lay down…the amount of spikes is too much.


Cluttered, and could use less spikes.

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It is very messy and could do with a lot less spike/claw pieces. The Masks also seem very thrown-on.

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Other than what others have stated, I feel like the MOC could use some more gold throughout the overall build.