Mass Effect 3 Ending

Well fudge, edit that away I must. (but Eljay always says those words). I think Fudge is acceptable of a term.
Move along, watch Archengeias ruminations. He really goes into detail about when he is reviewing.

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nice, for what it’s worth, I thought this series was pretty freakin’ good, I’m on the middle about the ending, I’m kinda meh about it, I feel like there could have been more, I don’t want a happy ending, i just want more (though a happy ending would be nice)

If Citadel DLC was part of it in some way, it would have been amazing, but the choices given to us at the end besides Destroy we really clashing with what Shepard was planing to do , which was destroy the reapers (the thing he was planing all 3 games).

I pick destroy every time and play the citadel dlc right after, that way it actually seems like that is the ending

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Me too, Citadel DLC is a proper Epilogue or Post ending part as oppose to the kid and old man thing (tell me another story, ok, one more story…shrug).

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that threw me off I was just like “what was the point of that? Did they have Buzz Aldrin and not know what to do with him”

They tried to do a symbolic thing cause Shepard (aka Alan Shepard) was the first American in space. But it just came out weird after all the bullfudge the Star Child has spewed (I really dont like that character, hate it more than Kai Leng and thats saying a lot).

I agree, those aren’t very good arguments. I don’t mind finding out what happened to everyone, but then I also like the end of RotK, so maybe I’m not the best judge. :stuck_out_tongue: My problem with the original ending was that nothing made sense (or, more accurately, was not sufficiently explained) when you thought about it: How did the Normandy get to a Mass Relay so quickly–did it leave the battle early? If you choose the destroy ending (which I did), doesn’t blowing up all the Mass Relays effectively destroy all advanced life in the universe–thus undermining the goal you’ve been working towards since ME1? And if that’s so, then how did the planet the Normandy landed on survive? Are your crewmembers stranded there forever? There were probably more things, but I don’t remember them at this point (it’s been about 6 months). :stuck_out_tongue:

@TeslaEffect Nice to see someone else who knows about Archengeia! Here’s another video on the ending I like (mandatory warning: there’s probably some bad language in it):

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I have watched that one John as well, was very into the news when it all broke down then.

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… that’s dumb, yeah I also don’t like the star child, there is this thing called mass effect 3 vindication, that is wayyy better than the ending we got

PS: Hate the fact that after the Extended Ending DLC if you keep shooting the start child you basically get the worst ending (another kick to the jewels).

Well I would use the ending that Archengeia made, which is really well thought out. Then go strait to the Citadel DLC as “end Party thing”.


alright I better watch that video then

Here it is:

Also the female version if you had femshep

whoa, that was actually pretty good so wait does Shepard die or no here?