The role of the Toa Kanohi is obviously a big one. They defeat each warlord, seal away the Kanohi Masks (Canon) and change the island completely.
I suggest you read the Kanohi Period pitch.
We never pitched how the period would appear in the TV Show, that’s for TTV to decide. I had in mind that they could do a whole 1-year set wave all about the Kanohi Period, with the old Toa team and the Barraki still as warlords, but I don’t think TTV would ever agree to that.
At best, I would expect them to have sevelar episodes in a season where they would be. Maybe 2-3 whole flashback episodes about the island during that time.
If you want to know more about the personalities of the Barraki during the Kanohi period, I suggest you read my short stories: