Metalios Toa of steel (Hordika)UPDATE

I assumed it was something along those lines, but figured I’d ask anyway just in case it was supposed to be, like, a really subtle prosthetic limb, for example. And it does possess a very Hordika-esque vibe to it, so that’s a success in my book.

Thanks and I took the macthing piece from another ruined moc to fix it, have you checked out the updated pictures?

Digging the new pauldron design. They make him look even more beastly.

Thanks, any ideas for improvements?

Maybe adding some of those silver limb pieces from Ketar’s Shadow Trap to the pauldrons might help him out a bit if you have them? I did something similar for one of my MoCs, and they look pretty decent as a sort of tassel attachment.

I dunno… Having gunmetal as the secondary seems so… Plain.

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You mean the sides of the trap, I do tend to use them, but I like the pauldrones due to how the curve back and give a brute shoulder look.
@TheMightyObsidianDude true, but it does contrast and there are no other steel or metallic colors I have to use, he does have some black now.