Mine-imator Renders

These past few days, I’ve been hopping on Mine-imator and making some Minecraft renders of the Toa Tokawa, my friend @Spitfire’s Toa team, which can be found here.

So, I said to myself, “hey, I should make more of these”, and so I’ve decided to bring this over here and accept requests :smiley:

So yeah, uh, request some stuff already, but just make sure to send me a Minecraft skin to work with as well :stuck_out_tongue:


Aight, will need Minecraft skins tho :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s my skin, have him holding an iron sword and just doing a relaxed stance.

This is my reaction:



I wouldn’t mind if you were to do a LoMN-themed render with my (handmade) Vakama skin.
My username is Vakama39 if you’re interested.

I lost the crappy skins I had for nisgi a while back

ah, can you just use a lhikan skin?
Or even better
my current skin
of a potato

Is Minimator finally good? I’ve been working on preparing minecraft character rigs in another program because of the limitation of minimator.

I’ll try my hand at a Nisgi skin later, possibly Ignis as well :slight_smile:

EDIT: Currently starting work on @pot8o’s, and later @Matoro’s :smiley:

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You really like that gif, don’t you?

(I love it)