MNOG II Event Triggers?

I was rewatching Eljay and Mesonak’s playthrough of MNOG II yesterday, and the whole fiasco with trying to get the 99 widgets before Nokama’s return got me wondering. Does anyone know what conditions specifically trigger the Nokama announcement, or is it on a timer as Eljay thought? And I know the game has been saved to host on Biomedia Project, but has anyone ever actually dug into the code to figure out this sort of thing, or other interesting details about how the game works?


Originally between hahli entering the main village and Nokama’s arrival, there was a full month, as Macku suggest it. (“Oh, it will probably be a full moon before she’s back again.” Macku says. “The Kini-Nui is very far away!”) And the first chapter was published on June 26, and Nokama’s return was on July 17. Between the original dates, you had enough time to perform everything, to get resources etc. After the game was released as a whole, If i remember correctly, a 30 minutes timer starts when Hahli enters the main townsquare which ends when Nokama returns. But you can actually trick the game. If you hear the bells, but you don’t go to the main square, but exit the game, the 30 minute timer will start again when you open it again, even if the 30 minute period was already over.