MOC Challenges

Here, you will be able to suggest a moc creation for me to build. They will all be CCBS MOCs, and 3 challenges will be taken each week. Please be specific with your suggestion. Please do not get upset if your suggestion is not used. There will be a draw to see which moc to make. C&C is appreciated, I hope this is fun for you and me.



Make an archer, A La Green Arrow.
But not green.

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Okay, I’ll put that in.

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A Rahi similar to this.

Basically make a simple (But good looking) dragon like Rahi.

But maybe not as big.

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Moved to Lego Creations. --Not_Legomaster

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Thanks, I wasn’t sure where to put it.

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No prob. :smiley:

Do you know what the Adeptus Mechanicus looks like?

Build one.


Build something with 10 mixel eyes, 2 on each limb, 2 on the torso, and 2 on the head.

That’s a tech-priest dominus in particular, but building one of the red-robed, dirty, and cybernetically-augmented-to-the-point-of-basically-being-a-robot mechanicus agents would be an impressive feat.

And four random?

Oh, I guess legs don’t count as limbs. I forgot what the proper word was…

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Oh, wait, I read arms.
No, you’re right, yeah.

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Try and engineer a mech that woorks like the ones in Mado King Granzort:

Make a giraffe moc


Okay, guys, just to let you know, the challenges were supposed to be descriptions, not specific designs. If you could give suggestions like “Toa with all elements combined” or “Creature with your own element, but, it still has to have a function”. So, that kind of thing would be great.

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animal covered in mixel eyes

sadly,that won’t work cuz, I only have 2 mixel sets.

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