Moc: Kuparu Model 2

This is my second version of my self moc. Also feel free to say wants wrong about it and what’s good about it. You can also ask questions!

Moved to Lego Creations category - Waj


The lime thigh bones are random.

the paw leg looks too bulky

the entire MOC looks overly simple.


Why the mismatched shin armor? It doesn’t look good.

I’m saying that the lime green is the only piece that gave it an all pose able leg so. The other ones look akward and you can’t pose the knees also I’m getting a ton of old bionicle pieces. I’ll make better Mocs with the pieces and this is one of my first Mocs.

A little bit basic, but not bad! :thumbsup:

Has a Pakari



Pretty much what everyone else said about hat mismatched shin armor is my only real criticism.

MUCH more appealing to look at than the original.

Good work!


The neon green legs are still out of place, and what is it with that “paw” armor on the leg, it looks really odd. The torso is ok, and the arms are simple, but that adon looks off.

A bit better than the last one though, at least it doesn’t have the awkward shield.

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I actually kinda like the legs, but the arms are too long.

Please refrain from posting off-topic comments about deleted posts. Thanks :smile:

– Waj


Aww, I read “kapura” and I was like, “Sick! A Kapura moc!”


But still looks OK, but the lime bones are a bit out of place.


I have been Kapura’d to say this.


I thought it said Kapura at first.

The neon legs still don’t work here, and the random paw is just…
No. :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that, it looks pretty cool, though a bit basic. I like that you got rid of the awkward shield.

Pretty nice job. :smiley:

It’s pretty good, but, like other people said, the neon green legs just don’t work and the paw, you should fix that. The chest is too protruding, you might want to think about using a different torso. The gappiness around the shoulders is awkward, and the arms seem too low. That refers back to using a different torso, possibly the 2016 uniter body. The spiked shield on one arm is random and it looks quite strange. The armour that you have added on the butt, is really out of place and the wheel piece on the back would look better without the armour below it. @Breakbionicle0, I’d have to give this a 4.5-5/10 right now, fixing these things could bump it up to a 6.5-7/10. Making it slightly more complex could bring it up to an 8/10 even. Keep MOCing and please don’t take this offensively.


I was hoping for Kapura, but I like him.

Much better looking!

The whole front looks good. The arms, legs, and torso work perfectly fine. I would just take the spikey piece from his back and put that on his right arm to balance that out, or maybe put them facing down on his upper arms.

The back of the torso needs a bit more work. The wheel piece is fine, but maybe try and find a larger shell to go under it, the spike piece isn’t working there.

The trans-neon green bones need to go.

And finally make the shin armor on his left match the one on his right with the piston pieces.

Great job so far! Really close to an even better MOC!

I think they upgrades you added match the rest of the MOC fairly well, even that of the weapon (which, in my opinion was cooler before :stuck_out_tongue:)
Nice improvement!

His name is kuparu not kaparu

@PakariNation99 If I took the spikey part off his back it would look good ,but the back would look bad

Edited for Double Post.

You mean kapura:

and he’s just stating that he thought this was gonna be a kapura MOC, based off the similar name.


Listen kuparu is my on Mocs name I did not base it of kaparua I kinda based it of nuparu the name at least not how it he looks

I see, but looking at the MOC it did kinda look like it was based on Kapura with the name and Pakari Mask, even though you didn’t based it off Kapura.

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