MOC: skull slasher

I give you, skull slasher. It’s another horde enemy in kulta’s army. While kulta was summoning his scorpios, he came up with a handful of these guys. They’re part scorpio, part warrior, and completely twisted and cruel. They’re not as strong as skull basher, but they make up for it in speed and cunning.

I was going for another warrior type character that fit in well with the existing skull villain sets. I tried to keep him as close to the other builds as possible, with just a couple tweaks to give him individuality.





Standing guard in front of the big bad himself

Let me know what you think!


I got to say this is pretty great!
But the trans-orange on the legs feel out of place.


I like it! Was he made with the leftovers from combining Scorpio and Grinder?

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@RECspiriah Thanks! I went with the orange to try and keep the vibe of all the skull villains having the orange shells. I tried them on the arms and liked them more on the legs. I feel like maybe an orange rib cage and then yellow shells on the legs would have worked out better, but I didn’t want to shell out another 30 just to get that rib cage piece, so I went with this. Thank you for the criticism though!

@PekekoaOfJungle Yes mostly leftovers from that and a couple from slicer and warrior.


Not bad, the orange and green works well with each other.

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The lack of trans green on the lower half looks weird. Other that that, the MOC is really well made.

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I love it…but the contrast between the green and orange make me want to throw up…spread it out better…please…swap the shells on the arms around with the ones on the legs.


@RaptorTalon I actually laughed out loud at this. Maybe I’ll try using green shells instead of orange on the legs. I wanted to avoid putting the orange shells on the green bones, they don’t look so good when layered right on top of each other. They aren’t supposed to look that great together though I suppose, more so evil and creepy. I dunno. I just wanted him to look gross and evil, but cool and to not appear as if I just slapped random pieces together.


Oh you got the gross down well…

ugh my head. make the armor on his arms orange, and the armor on his legs gunmetal.


I think this guy needs more asymmetry to look like a skull villain.

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It needs horns


And a bazooka.

yes, because all of the skull villains are asymmetrical :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


But then his name would be Skull Bomber


I agree with the bazooka for sure. Skull bomber blasting everyone away.


Feels very generic and warrior class, but it works rather well.

Just wish it could be a bit more completed feeling.


Thanks! I was kinda trying to go for a more generic kinda warrior class dude. He probably could be a bit more done up though I suppose. Maybe some horns would indeed work with him. I’ll have to tinker with him when I get home from vacation.

This might sound kind of like I'm just bashing your moc, but it's constructive criticism. It's too much basic CCBS. It has nothing custom about it and is really just a re-skin of what Lego has already done. But like I said before, just take this as advice I'm not sayings hat your MOC is terrible or anything.