Here is the ultimate form of my Self-MOC!
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Here is the ultimate form of my Self-MOC!
If you wish to view more, check out my Flickr!
Shadowgear6335 Flickr!
If you want to check out my videos, go here!
Shadowgear6335 YouTube
Wow! This is next-gen…
Best MOC I’ve ever seen
There was once a time when I had hopes of being the best MOCer on here aside from Chro.
Now I’m doomed.
I can’t wait for the review to surface on your channel
Need to get around to filming that. ^^"
I wished I liked this song on its own. Like, the action bits in the show make it sound epic. However, I can’t enjoy the song on its own like a lot of the songs from OOOs.
Ah yeah I remember seeing this MOC a while back on YouTube, s’incredible.
Might I ask what inspired this?
I may not be shadow, but I am legit gonna guess it was Kamen Rider Gaim’s Kachidoki Arms.
Kachidoki, was in-turn, inspired by Japanese Samurai, obviously.
Kamen Rider Gaim. Video below is its first appearance.
I loved it on Moc-pages I loved it on YouTube and I still love it here!
Too much system for my tastes, but thats just my bias. Literally perfect. Love the dragon head pieces and the purple Eyepiece. There doesn’t look to be much poseability on him, tough?
The legs aren’t immobile, but are limited. he arms and head have the most poseability.
I’ve seen this before on your flickr, and I quite like all the versions of this guy. The dual colors are cool. Personally, I think the smaller versions have more charm to them, while larger MOCs don’t have as much (although I will say you are one of the few people that can make a massive MOC look good.
At least the massive size means it’ll be next to impossible for n00b MOCers to try to make it as an attempt to boost their own popularity
Oh hey, I didn’t realize you had joined up; welcome! Glad to see you here.
This MoC is pretty top notch; it all flows together pretty seamlessly, and everything looks sufficiently bulky. For some reason, the forearms stand out to me as being my favorite element of this MoC. I don’t really know why, other than maybe because I don’t see the 1.0 leg armor used often enough.
Oh yeah, smaller versions are cool too. I think the second version is my favorite.
Thank you kindly! Can’t wait to be be contributing more to the boards!
I really hope you post more mocs here. These mocs are very grand
OH WOW. Bionicle meets Gundam Wing.