Moc : the bone dragon queen

Well, else could you do? I get that it looks disproportionate, but calling it “hypersexualized” is ridiculous. Don’t get the idea that I think it’s a good design choice, because most of the time it’s not (I don’t think it looks too good here). It’s just that every time someone uses this design choice, no matter how well it’s implemented, there’s at least 1 person who immediately writes it off as a con.

Actually when used properly I think the design can be nearly unmatched. It’s insanely hard and I can only think of a couple MOCs to do it, but it’s possible.

On the other hand here, not just one pair of Nuva shoulders is used, but two, in an off color for the sake of the character having intentionally oversized breasts.

That says to me: intentionally overdone. Which qualifies as exactly what I have accused it of.

On the other hand, I don’t think it should be counted as an automatic con - only when done badly (which is unfortunately most every time the design is used).

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You gave it nuvaboobs and a rahkshi head, and it still looks decent. I love the mohawk.

I think it’s important to remember for all parties to remember to stay civil.

@Ekorak (and others), I feel you may be getting a bit dramatic in your responses. I understand that you all have very strong feelings about this topic, but that doesn’t excuse rude behavior. It seems like every single time that a MOC like this is posted, you guys jump down the posters’ throats about it, and we (the staff) are sick of it. 9 out of 10 times, situations arise because you guys are excessively rude with new users. Give your criticism constructively please.

@toa_of_death, just because people are harshly criticizing your MOC does not give you permission to break the rules of this site. Swearing is not permitted, even semi-censored. It’s also important to remember that criticism, however rudely it is delivered, is meant to improve your MOC and your MOCing ability. Do not take it as a personal insult.

Any more of this sort of behavior from either party and there will be consequences. Got it?


ok I’m sorry for getting mad. but people are calling it sexist and its not meant to be. ill just take down the moc page probably.

I don’t remember this. I personally just think those “aspects” look badly integrated and forced. Like I said earlier, they don’t really look like what you’re intending, more so just giant random splotches of silver. Trying to add that aspect to a MOC isn’t inherently wrong, but it becomes so when it’s not executed very convincingly.

  1. I’ve seen no posts calling this MOC sexist. In fact, I see this post by Payinku which says
  1. In this post here, you claim that this MOC is indeed intended to be sexist.

In any case, I think you are confused about the definition of the word Sexist. As according to the dictionary,

Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender. Sexism can affect any gender, but it is particularly documented as affecting women and girls.

This MOC is not discriminating females, and is therefore not sexist. What I believe most people are complaining about is this MOC having bad proportions, irregardless of gender.


To me this seems more satirical than anything, (whether it was his intention or not). The far apart legs, the awkward position of the head, cloth everywhere, red eyesores, oddly shaped ‘wings’ and those gigantic, uh, chest armor pieces? Results in an incredibly awkward looking hulk-like beast meant to offend the easily offended.

The problem is there are too many things going on for this to be taken seriously by me. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings but if this isn’t a satirical moc it needs to be completely redesigned.


It’s neat, but the thighs look kinda awkward.

I’m just going to list my comments and criticisms by image.

Images #1 - #3, #5 - #8, and #10: Looking good so far. The punk aesthetic provides some nice characterisation, and the cloth bits really do add a sense of royalty to her.

Image #4 and #9: Everything from the chest (yes, even the Nuva Boobs) and biceps (possibly also the arms) up, including the wing bits and cloth, looks fine, though those two yellow half-bushings really stick out and break up the color scheme. Aside from what was previously mentioned, however, the rest of the body looks really disproportionate, which is mostly due to the fact that the rest of the torso doesn’t appear to be long or reasonably bulked up enough to remain consistent.
A while back, we actually had a similar discussion over in the How To: MoC Tutorials Topic about the “rules” of building Female MoCs, where I posted one of my own as an example:

She’s the one in the middle.
Now, as you can probably see, I straight up used Metru heads and silver Avohkiis here instead of the traditional Nuva armor. And I offer no apologies for that, because she was meant to come off as muscular, which I attempted to translate throughout the rest of her figure. The point is is that there is no such thing as a wrong usage of parts if you can successfully pull something off in regards to a character concept, since many different body types do, in fact, exist.
So in short, simply elongating the midsection, giving her some more bulk, thinning out the waist a little, and replacing those gunmetal case pieces with ones of a different color (preferably either silver or white)/possibly tinkering with the arms would probably go a long way in regards to cleaning her up a bit.