MOCs of old (An Old MOCs photo dump)

So some friends of mine asked me if I could post some old works of mine from other sites onto here. So I figured “why not let’s do it”.

So for you guys today, I have a treat. A look through of my MOCs from around mid-2013 till Ventum V7 (mid 2014). All of these MOCs, to my knowledge, have not been posted here. So… let’s get right into the nostalgia.

#Part 1 (January-May of 2013)

###Execrabilis. (January 2013).

Cheating a bit here because this is technically V3, which was made in June. But I lack full-body photos of the original. My bad.

###Ventum V4.5 (February 2013)

###Velocitas V3 (March 2013)

###Ignis V2 (March 2013)

#Part 2 (June-December of 2013)

###Ventum V5 (June 2013)

###Solus V1 (June 2013)

###Yuri, Man of 1000 Waists

This MOC was made as a joke about a community member over on MOCpages. The challenge was to make a MOC that had as many waists in it as possible. Literally a waste of waists.

##demon X (July 2013)

Another MOC I made as a joke because of a contest theme from MOCpages at the time.

##demon XX and Velocitas V4 (July 2013)

Unlike the first version of “Demon X”, this was actually a serious MOC.

###Solus V2 (July 2013)

###Idolum (July 2013)

Now… this MOC is a case of “I know it’s not good but I love the concept.” His chest opened up to reveal his “heart” and a ribcage. That is such a cool idea, and I hope I can maybe do it justice sometime in the future.

###Divus (August 2013)

###WhiteSight (September 2013)

###Ventum V6 (October 2013)

AKA the “Black sheep” of Ventum’s timeline, with the irony being that I took away the majorly black color pallet. Hue

###“Table Scrap 1” (November 2013)

###“Table Scrap 2” (November 2013)

###Tondeo: The Swift Razor Blade (November 2013)

###Aarde: The Desert Ghost (December 2013)

#Part 3 (January-June 2014)

###Aarde V2 (February 2014)

###Kühlen (February 2014)

Built for a contest where the main goal was to add as many colors to a MOC as possible, without making it look like a complete mess.

###“HF Table Scrap” (February 2014)

Built to test out my new camera I bought at the time and to test out color blocking.

###Hafu Revamp (March 2014)

Another MOC I built for a multi-round contest. Fun fact, the end of his staff held a zamor, which is what you could use as a Kohli ball.

##pohatu Revamp “1978 Classic Colors Edition” (April 2014)

For the second round of the contest I entered Hafu in. The goal was to create a revamp with the VERY limited color pallet of 1978 Lego sets.

###Sneg (May 2014)

#Part 4 (“Bonus” things I don’t recall posting here)

###“Karda-Nui themed MOC” (July 2014)

###“Bat Girl MOC” (July 2014)

Anyways, that about wraps up this post. Hope you guys enjoyed looking through my old MOCs as much as I did. Thank you for stopping by!

This is Ventum, and I’ll cya guys next time!


These are amazingly friggin brilliant!

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These are awesome!

The mech was good.

Either the Karda Nui MOC or the Hafu revamp are my favorites.

The Pohatu Revamp is Extremely Creative!

The Hafu revamp and sneg look phenomenal!

Aarde V2 is pretty cool…
But the real gem here is “HF table scrap”…

Anyway, these are awesome. One thing that bothered me though was how you inverted Hafu’s color scheme. It doesn’t look quite right.

Some of these are pretty cool, most are kinda meh.

They all look really unique in their own way!
Nice job!

Good all around except Solus V1 and the tablescraps.