Let’s face it. the mods put up with a lot. They fix those thousands of doubleposts, deal with annoying users, and quite frankly, they don’t get the respect they deserve. Recently I’ve seen a few of them complaining about not getting enough recognition. This topic is to rectify that. So on behalf of the whole site…
Good community + good mods = a good site.
This is a good site.
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Nah not really. Maybe. I think this is acceptable? Not sure.
Either way, I appreciate the sentiment.
Just remember fellow Mods, when judging, that we all have to make sacrifices sometimes. T_T
I’m going to repeat what I said on the now locked poll topic. All you mods are pretty great, and keep on doing what you’re doing. Except Nyran. Because he refuses to acknowledge ngram’s intelligence.
I guess they do a moderately good job.
…I’ll see myself out.
Never feel ashamed for puns. They’re what makes the world go round.
If one of them dare bans you for how awful this pun was, don’t worry
I’ll understand them completely.
u w0t m8? u n me fite 1v1 IRL
Nah, he’s still just angry cause’ ngram is more popular than him.
Thanks to all the mods who deal with the crazy people of this website! You make it so awesome!!!
I would like to thank nyran
and Chroniclar
and MT
And wajknight
And That_Makuta
And most importantly
Viper, the best mod
So good, that she is part of ttv
Thanks to all of you, for putting up with us filthy casuals
We bow down to you, o supreme overlords and ngram
(indi has this thing called “life” the chump, so no credit to- wait I just said his name)
Yeah, that’s about how it happened.
Wouldn’t be the same place without them, thanks!
What is this feeling…?
It’s almost as if…
I’m being recognized for something!
[audible gasp]
Seriously though, these last 2 months have been pretty great .
I’ve got to meet new people, resolve a bunch of issues, and enjoy the
conversations of a mostly-pretty-greatly-awesome community.
##Thanks (again) everyone!
(Tomorrow can’t come sooner… I can almost taste trust level 3… Master of Wandering Knights! )
– WajKnight
Oh sure, spell my name wrong. >:(
Not really, man. I appreciate the thanks!
Your welcome
Shoutout to @Indigogeek, the best mod of them all.
In all fairness, due to real life working at WALMART* and working on mnog 1.5
He is never here to actually do stuff, but at least he has a excuse
*I swear, as much as he denies it, he does in fact work at walmart
Thanks to all the Moderators for keeping this site clean!
Daww thanks. <3
I swear to god…