Morality of Contests

Clears throat So never done a topic like this here on TTV. Also as fair warning, I have posted this on a few different formats. Trying to get the broadest audience possible, as this is something I am genuinely interested in knowing. Also couldn’t exactly find a category this fit into since it isn’t just about Bionicle or Lego, but contests in general. Alsp how the frick do you add tags? A comma doesn’t enter it, nor does pressing enter.

So I recently had a discussion with someone over on DA, who submitted a moc they made over three years ago for the Makuta Contest, about the principles behind this. While the contest does state that older mocs can be entered, does it not defeat the purpose of the contest? Contests of all kinds typically invite people to create something for it, be it a moc, a story, or something else along those veins, it’s suppose to help foster creativity. How does submitting something you’ve had made for sometime honor that? That just seems wrong in my mind, as it defeats the entire purpose.

Call me crazy, but I like to treat my mocs with a bit of respect. It seems like a slap in the face to your older self to take a moc and relabel it to suit some newer purpose just to have a better chance at winning. Where is the integrity in that? Where is the pride in what you built?

I want to know what people honestly think about this. I’m hoping I’m not the only one who feels this way.


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Lego Contests

I merged this topic with the official Lego Contests topic. Sorry for the inconvenience, @Voxumo :sweat:.

– Waj