Morea - Self MOC

I’ve decided to make this my self MOC (my 3rd one). He’s not as big as my previous selfMOCs, but I like his colors and design.

He’s built using a custom torso.

When he puts on the kanohi pakari, his left arm transforms.

The hand design is borrowed from @Leoxandar

Let me know what you think!


Edited title for grammar - Chilly

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I think the arms look a tad long, but otherwise this looks pretty cool.


If you’re referring to me, I stole that from the Lurker MOC from the Dark Hunters book :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops. Autofil you failed me again.

Weird, but I like it.

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I like it, but either the forearms are too long or the legs are too stubby.

I’m not a big fan of the transformed arm, but the color scheme is still pretty cool.

It looks neat!
I think it looks better with the Pakari, as a mask, but I’m not a fan of the transformed arm. It looks out of place to me, especially the orange wheel connecting it to the torso.


Woah. That transformed arm is terrifying. I’m not sure about that giant wheel. It makes it look kinda awkward.
Other than that, this is pretty good. The arms are a bit long, though, giving it an Inika look to it. I’m also not sure about those feet. They kinda remind me of elf shoes or something, with the pointy toes…


Looks pretty good I like the way you attached the pulley pieces on the thigh

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Nice. I like the transforming arm.