Hey Everyone!
I don’t know if you remember this or not, but a couple of months back in September, @Joev14 was asking people both here and on BZP to audition for a role in the Audio Narration Project.
Long story short, I auditioned in October and was waiting to hear if I would land a part. And, while I was waiting he recognized my work on MOCing the TTV Podcast and asked me if I could make a self MOC for him and his group (Specifically the BoM, Brotherhood of Makuta, Podcast). And, after 1-2 weeks I finally created the MOC’s for the 7 members!
The first episode of the Brotherhood of Makuta Podcast has been released, and can be found here.
They are:
-Joev14 (Joev)
-Skullkid (Skully)
-GreySnow (Grey)
-MrSciFiGuy (Sci)
-VakamaMetruNui (VMN)
-KanohiZatth (Zatth)
-IXRollOutIX (RollOut)
Well it was certainly fun to make these guys and I’m happy to say that their first podcast episode has be uploaded to Youtube today! For more info on that, you can go here.