Note: some pieces are different colors only because I didn’t have the matching colors unused at the moment. But this first one is what I’m using as Titan Takanuva Toa of light and shadow’s hands. They are sturdier this way and don’t pop off easily. It uses a modified flex tube Lego piece.
Note it does have this weird cut off gap at the end this way being built.
And now I’ve been working on making my own mutated toa hordika series of the Toa mistika and The phantoka. This one in particular would be for Titan Takanuva and a toa of light and shadow and a hordika titan. An alternate multiverse version of the toa in one of my alternate storyline.
I’ve been wondering for awhile on how I was going to execute the design so it would work on a old mata hand. As you can see the engineer of the red star’s hand is just that but I do plan on giving a five fingerd hand design to Rapax too so it fits her five toed vine like root design. Her’s will have a more solid white color scheme then this one of course. But I thought you all might want to try it for yourselfs so I took some break down pictures.
The Golden skinned being’s left hand is supposed to represent all the fused beings into one on this part as I wanted to create a deformed hand design that could fit in multiple fingers at a time and give it a very alien look to it. And this new version of it looks even more crazy.
I took some pictures of Rapax’s new hand design and forgot to post it. But here it is now. Note I left the ball socket in the hand because I am using hahil mahri’s lime green parts in her hand and ears. I also left the open stud on the bottom part of the hand in case if I want to create a weapon design that can connect there so she can hold the weapons too. Also I’m probably going to use this hand design on Titan takanuva
When I was working on the engineer of the red star, I was messing around with hand designs again to see if I could build a 5 figured hand design without it being to big. This is what I built so far.
This is what I am thinking about using for his mechanical hand. His index finger has a laser for fuse welding, scalpel blade and a light to help see even more. His middle finger is so he can carefully grab in small places. His ring finger is removed anything on the Bear metal aka skin. The pinky is to move and hold things out of the way and The six finger is for soldering and lastly the thumb is more of a fork. The second hand design is more of an idea, I’m thinking about upgrading the leaper so it’s a bit bigger and so people can tell that it’s a Makuta and not Matoro.
The seven-fingered design is super cool. I wouldn’t have thought it would be possible to cram seven fingers into a hand design, but you’ve made it all fit together really naturally.
I’m a fan of these designs! The 7-finger hand is a really neat concept. Not sure how I could use it in a MOC but it has a certain alien feel that may work for something I’ve got in the works…
Note this bow with arrows can shoot the arrows, if you change the Cable out. I am using this one so when the sister of the Skrall is holding it, it looks like she’s about to shoot it at something or someone. Also The reason why i’m holding it in the second to last pic is so you can see how far back you can pull it. Also, the bow is inspired by mitch builds d&d version of this.
The main reason why I didn’t use the trunks like he did, is because they kept moving around to much.
Warning if you have chirophobia this hand design is not for you. When I was building this,I think I found the perfect Face hugger design at the same time.