January 22, 2017, 3:16pm
I’m sure a literature category would be arranged if there is enough discussion on the topic. If there are book series or anything else related to literature you’d like to talk about, create a topic for it on the general entertainment category, examples here:
Do anyone like comics like for MARVEL,DC,IDW,ect. This also inculcated Web Comics,and Newspaper Comics too.
So yeah, there was once this really cool author called Eoin Colfer, and he wrote a book called Artemis Fowl. He managed to combine Fantasy with Sci-fi and History, writing a book that was meant for children but could be enjoyed by adults. He then wrote 7 other books in the series.
When I say that Artemis Fowl was my childhood, I mean that literally. They were pretty much the only books I ever read as a kid, and I’d read them over and over and over again. Personally, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the books towards the end of the series, but they were still enjoyable.
I know there are several people on the Boards who love these books, so I’d thought I’d make a topic for it. So what y’all gotta say bout these books? Didju love em? Didju hate em? Post below and stuff.
So there is no book sub-category, so I’ll post this here.
Are any of y’all fans of the Percy Jackson series? (Not the movies, those are terribad) You know, the one with the kid and the Greek stuff?
No? Just me?
(slinks back into swamp)
(Before anyone asks, I checked. There is no topics like this.)
ANYWAYS, here’s a general discussion about Marvel Comics, which I prefer over DC comics. It’s practically a house hold name with all the movies coming out.
So what do you guys think about their comics and other stuff about them? Good, bad? What do you think?
(Also, this picture is hilarious.)
Since there is no category for literature I thought I might create something to begin with. Do you have a favourite novel? Or maybe you would like to talk about comics? What about the last short story you read? Go nuts, talk about entertainment in written format!