Nuparu Is The new Toa of Earth after Whenua turned into a Turaga and Onua was killed by the Piraka or something so now we have Nuparu… yay?
Anyways This is A MOC that is supposed to be the character Nuparu. He is mostly made of ccbs and uses no parts from the original Nuparu except the head. He is armed with a giant club-mace thingy, and has a lot of spikes! You can’t really see details cause all the parts are black and grey, but trust me he has details!
Welp Here are some pics… any recommendations of change will be noted!
Mace-club thingy:
Nuparu VS Matoro:
Comparison between Inika and graceben’s Nuparu:
Also, Nuparu has a drill hat for special occasion